
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by thirdeyempeazy, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. I am an Anarcho-Primitivist. I believe that by placing every human under the protection of government has caused an absolute stop to evolution. If humans continued to live with no government then the human race would be much more evolved. Humans under government tend to forget that we are just another mammal in the animal kingdom and that all of our daily concerns are not real. Under government we have created pieces of paper to represent value when truly food and tools should represent value to us. Humans lived successfully with no government for 30,000 years and lived without the fake social problems of today's society. Survival of the fittest has been completely taken out of human life and survival of the fittest is what evolved us into the intricate species we are today.
  2. punk doesn't survive when there is internet

    and humans ALWAYS lived under government control. With primitive tribes its dictatorship of elders, a tribal member would be told what to do, when to do it, how to dress, whom to marry and any subordination resulted in being send to die in the wilderness or worse, cannibalized
  3. It is know that organized government started approximately 8,000-10,000 years ago and human life has been around for 40,000 years(they say). That leaves 30,000 years of hunter gatherers roaming the world. The first time a man claimed a piece of land and decided to live on it for the rest of their life was the day conflicts began. Before that people were constantly moving like hunter gatherer animals.
  4. they still had tribe leaders. and this hunter gathering thing is impossible today especially when every news travels too fast over the internet. too many humans, not enough resources
  5. Your right that it would be pretty impossible to achieve this. The main point im trying to get across is the realization that we are just animals and not some other worldly beings.
  6. maybe we are other worldly, look how easily we can use all of this bizarre technology, we have seen this shit before. (Half joking)

    I sort of agree with you OP, but at the same time governments are natural as well. Governments are a sort of technology too. If we could keep governments functions very limited, they would serve to aid evolution. If governments were only used for progress, an organized global effort to progress into space. That is our destiny.
  7. The theory basically states that as soon as the human began using agriculture to provide food for a society we took a wrong turn. From what I understand.

    So it is not a practical solution. Just an ideal. How can we adopt the philosophy of anarcho-primitivism to our current system?
  8. You should read about the Indigenous Australians who's culture goes back +20000 years and are one of the oldest in the world.
  9. humans have only existed for a mere 40,000 years lol
  10. Thats been stated. And its been stated that for about 30,000 years they lived with no organized government. The first evidence of large scale masses control was about 10,000 years ago.

  11. Civilisations rise and civilisations fall. Thbe current despot regime will die. Anarchy will ensure for millenia. Civilisation will rise again.

    10-40,000 is just the latest cycle of civilisation.

  12. semantics.

    Humans have always had rulers/leaders.

    We were always a tribal packlike animal like wolves and gorillas with alpha males and females

  13. #13 thirdeyempeazy, Jan 11, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2016
    Yes survival of the fittest. The strongest could do as they please. Now we are ruled by people that are a new type of strong(rich). This has completely stopped evolution because we don't evolve from survival of the fittest any longer. Im not saying its morally correct im just saying imagine if the amount of survival of the fittest we had 40,000 years ago was here all 40,000 years. We would be a much more evolved species.
  14. All of this talk of Primitivism, who else is hype for Farcry: Primal?
  15. Since when is government not just a natural behaviour that our species has been evolved to create.
  16. you are wrong. It has not stopped evolution and is still survival of the fittest

    Evolution isn't about being the best. Faster stronger smarter, irrelevent.

    Its about surviving the environment.

    Did you know squirrels will steal nuts from eachother? Its not survival of the fittest. Its sometimes survival of the greediest

  17. Arguments can be made on how grouping up and forming governments could potentially hold individuals or society back in some ways. I wouldn't however be jumping to evolution itself just yet, since evolution takes giant blocks of time (by human standards) to get anything major changed or developed. At the very best, we could be talking about "what bad behavior have we adopted as a result of government rule", but not evolution itself.

    Evolution IS at a stop, but not because of government but because of technology. Unless tech disappears from the planet, humanity will biologically never again actually evolve anything anymore. Our limbs will never grow stronger or faster, nor will our brain. Instead, look to see each of them enhanced artificially via implants and/or gene manipulation.

    I'm pretty sure


  18. they would not as they would not really be able to cooperate without a kind of government
  19. Couldn't we say we are evolving ourselves? It may not me Darwinian or NeoDarwinian evolution but nonetheless, we are natural and are changing ourselves to survive our newly created and evolving environment.

    It is a scary thought though, this accelerated evolution is not as stable as slower evolution. We might end up looking like greys, and if another comet resets the human story, reconquering nature won't be as easy. Imagine short legged, fat headed humans trying to get away from lions or cutting down trees.

    Or if we continue healing ourselves completely removing the stresses to the immune system.

  20. While I agree with you to a point, I'm just here to say I'm really tired of all of these Anarcho sub groups.

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