Ukraine Scientists Suggest Sphynx May Be 800,000 Years Old?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by NorseMythology, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. #41 Organics1221, Jan 22, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2016
    This ones fake This one probably is too
    OppenheimerThe architect of modern atomic bomb who was in charge of the manhattan project was asked by a student after the manhattan explosion, "How do you feel after having exploded the first atomic bomb on earth”. Oppenheimer"s reply for the question was , "not first atomic bomb, but first atomic bomb in modern times”. He strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient india. what made oppenheimer believe that it was a nuclear war was the accurate descriptions of the weapons used in the mahabharatha war in the epic which match with that of modern nuclear weapons.
    I also believe when he said I have become death destroyer of worlds wasn't that Indian proverbs but hey the man who built the atomic bomb must be stupid

  2. You say Bosnia is fake but it lines up to true North and is on a ley line. Coincidence?
  3. #43 oldskoolgrower, Jan 22, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2016

    No, I was referring to the age. Nobody was building pyramids 800,000 years ago. Or Sphynxes.
  4. #44 Organics1221, Jan 22, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2016
    Agreed^ sorry if I was being rude and no I was being sarcastic about Bosnia and China
  5. +
    Correction: We cannot confirm humans were around back then.

  6. Maybe, Maybe not.

    We must let the evidence tell us what is true, not the other way around.
  7. I side with Oppenheimer.
  8. There is some evidence we were

  9. If you consider Homo Erectus to be human then they probably were. They just weren't making any buildings. Early genus Homo probably didn't even have controlled use of fire until 500,000 years ago, and that was probably 'harvested' from wildfires at first.

  10. You're misinterpreting the evidence. Of course they're going to find stone tools from 800,000 years ago.. our ancestors have been using stone tools for almost 2 million years. The article is basically saying that the stone tools they found are similar to other stone tools from around that time period.. but that they developed those tools independently. Think of convergent evolution.. animals that are separated and unrelated, yet evolve the same traits. That's what they are trying to say in the article.. that early ancestors in China developed similar tools as other ancestors in Africa. These stone tools weren't much more than sharpened rocks though.
  11. I highly recommend Graham Hancocks latest book, especially with the recent acknowledgment of a new planet. Everything from his theory lines up perfectly imo
  12. I shall read it sounds great! I was listing to the radio and friggen Fox News was talking bout 9th planet shit I woke up the old lady and everything
  13. I'm in the middle of it...
  14. That was a natural nuclear reactor.. a better name would of been a natural nuclear reaction. It wasn't like a man made reactor.. but simply deposits of uranium that were large enough to start fissioning. They're pretty sure the a couple uranium deposits have undergone natural fission.. and that it probably created more genetic mutation in the surrounding areas here on Earth.. and a few on Mars. There is no intelligent species behind the initiation of a natural nuclear reactor.. it just happens.

  15. #57 Organics1221, Jan 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2016
    Links please as in show me another deposit like this any where in the world it should be pretty easy if it happens all the time I mean I'm looking for proof of another naturally occurring reaction I found this tho so yes there of course are natural nuclear "reactions" but that's not what happened in west Africa you can't find any other deposit in the world like that

    Summation:All naturally-occurring energy comes from nuclear reactions in the Sun.The universe is naturally radioactive.

    "This massive nuclear explosion on Mars seems to defy natural explanation said Brandenburg" <<< that's your Mars dude right there

    Back in 2011, Brandenburg's theory was that a natural nuclear explosion occurred on Mars, but his latest research led him to conclude an advanced race of aliens destroyed two young civilizations<<<<that's also your dude



    There were at least 16 sites in Africa that underwent natural nuclear fission.. and they ran for a time frame that was longer than the amount of time modern humans have been on Earth, over 200,000 years.

    As for Brandenburg.. don't know why you think he is my dude? The guy is an idiot. Notice how he originally said that the site was another natural nuclear reactor and then switched over? I don't know why the guy went retarded.. but I honestly think he was just trying to cash in on selling ancient alien books to the ignorant and thought that this would be a good selling point.. either way, he is an idiot. There are 2 natural explanations.. and Brandenburg provided one himself, a natural nuclear reactor. There is also the possibility that a meteorite loaded with nuclear material burst in the atmosphere of Mars before striking the surface. Both of which are much more likely than the bullshit behind an ancient alien race having a nuclear war on Mars.
  17. #60 Organics1221, Jan 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2016
    I lol at you and your silly wiki those 16 reactors are all in the same area the same mine even I want something not in west Africa which again should be very easy find
    And I totally agree about the book selling thing ALOT of people hopping on board that train

    Did u forget about this
    For example, "the water involved in the nuclear reaction must be extremely pure. Just a tiny percentage of contaminant (1 in 1 million) to poison the reaction, which is then interrupted. The problem is that pure water does not exist naturally anywhere in the world.” (source)You see how they pull your leg?


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