I like the prequels better.

Discussion in 'Movies' started by justcallmekg, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. I recently went back and watched all 6 star wars and i think i like the prequels better. Maybe its cause there newer or maybe cause they show more jedi idk. I've always been told that they werent as good. Why is that a thing?
  2. #2 A guy, Dec 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2015
    Probably mostly because people like best whatever it is they grew up with...and they were kids when they saw the originals so they hold it up as an ideal. I'd like to hear opinions from someone who saw them for the first time in story order. There is certainly a tone/mood difference. The prequels are more cartoony and spastic in their action. The force is used by the jedis in the prequels often while much more sparingly so in IV-VI.
  3. The prequels sucked all of the mysticism and spirit of adventure out of the franchise, and instead we got trade negotiations, Midi Chlorians, Jar Jar Binks, and Hayden Christensen's "acting".

    The truth is that unless Star Wars was an integral part of your childhood experience as it was mine, all of the films would seem pretty ridiculous. The difference is that the prequels were actually terrible films; the plot lines were byzantine and boring, the acting could be atrocious, and the writing generally stunk. Lucas forgot that people fell in love with the simple story at the core of his greater fictional universe; the "hero's journey" template. Nobody cares about Anakin's midi chlorian count, or trade embargoes.
  5. funny thread topic ha ha ha ha
  6. You are banned from having opinions about anything forever :p
  7. Completely blew me away.. It was nearly perfect!
  8. Same i just saw it. By far favorite movie of the year.

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