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The Best Plant in the World

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by CheebaFaceChase, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. #1 CheebaFaceChase, Dec 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2015
    Weed is like the plant from God. It's crazy that it's looked down upon by our government when they don't see the benefits this plant has. I remember researching the fruit graviola which is a plant that is 10x more effective than chemotherapy. It's crazy to see how much a medicine cost in order to be approved my FDA. Then most natural methods are probably black listed because they can't create a profit since we can grow it right in the background.

  2. i would rather sit around getting high than being a slave to fucking pills and constant medical attention.
  3. Exactly and be completely fucking cured than to die slowly off some treament with a 20 percent effective rate of actually working. lol we know it's a money thing!
  4. "and god put forth every herb bearing seed for the good of man"

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