Ugh Balding and coming to terms with it.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by portfool2332, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. You read the topic right, I have been losing more and more hair over the last couple of years and as of lateley I have been thinking of buzzing my head. I've always hated the "army" look but then again I have always hated going to get hair-cuts. A large part of me wants to buzz my head because I just want to stop feeling so self-conscious about it. It's gotten to the point I feel I need to always wear a hat, whether I am in public or not. It's kind of pathetic. I guess I am just nervous it will look horrible. The worst part is I am only 28.

    Anyone that can share their personal experience or simply words of encouragement would be appreciated. haha.

    Maybe I am stressing too much and it will look better than I think. I will admit that more often than not in other situations that I have seen the guy does usually look better once he makes the decision to buzz. Ugh! GROWING UP SUCKS! I blame bad genes.

  2. chrome dome bruh take a razor to that shit
  3. My dad shaves his head lol. Can pull it off too so go ahead and try it op. You might like it.
    gentle strokes though!
  4. I still have a full head of hair so I can't really relate..

    But if I was going bald I would shave my head and own that shit. I think doing a comb-over or styling your hair a certain way to make it appear that you have more hair than you do just looks like you're clinging to the past..which isn't a good vibe to give off.
  5. Go bald gracefully is my only advice. Own it, don't hide it or it will be a tough road until you do.
  6. I'm only 25 and I'm going gray, I feel ya
  7. nah you dont feel him. you can just dye that shit.

  8. HAHA!

    Thanks for the advice, MrThought and Forty.

    How short do I go on the buzz if I actually go through with it?

    I think I am going to feel out the next haircut I get and gauge my comfort level. I might feel a bit better about the situation when it's cut and clean (or it might confirm buzzing it).
  9. I am 60+ and have the typical crown with little hair. I read where organic apple cider vinegar regrows hair. It is cheap, nothing to lose, so I began rubbing it in daily about 6 months ago. Within 30 days new hairs began popping out. I now have a fairly good amount with more coming in. My barber is blown away

  10. Shave it all and don't give a fuck. If you can grow a beard do that. Beards with a shaved heads always look good together.
  11. i look even crazier when i shave my head. i should probably get around to it today.
  12. Don't feel too bad. I'm your age & have about 50% brown & 50% gray hair [​IMG] With that being said though, I would much rather have gray hair, opposed to going bald [​IMG]
  13. yea. if i was losing my hair dramatically, i would just smooth it off. clean shave. i have a beard, so i would probably keep my beard. men tend to keep their beards while the top of their head stops growing hair.
  14. #14 IfImoffpleasecorrect, Nov 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2015
    Guy, I ve been loosing hair at the front edge since 25. its twice thinner than before. I knew 2 guys that had hair coming out in locks after 21. Its testosterone, you are a man now!
  15. I started losing my hair at 14. Look at old paintings at museums all dudes were bald. It sucks how people like to constantly remind you. I rock the George Costanza look (not a hit with the ladies) but w/e at least im a pretty built 6 foot tall dude.

    It also sucks when I chill with another bald dude because we end up looking like skin heads.

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  16. Buy yourself a hair clipper with various attachments and experiment. Start with the longer cut and take it from there. Or do what my brother in law did and go all the way to the shortest first. He looked really good.

  17. Ha - 50 here and have been looking more and more like my hero George Costanza for years now. Funny, tho - like George, it's only center/front/receding. My sides and back of my head are as thick as when I was a long haired teen.

    As far as all my grey goes, I prefer to call it "distinguished Silver"...


  18. I could not recommend shaving your head more.

    I've played sports my whole life so early on I decided that having hair was simply a chore I am not going to have. Aside from generally running hot, I was not about to spend hours in front of the mirror trying to fix my head.

    My hair still grows plenty but I have kept it stubble-cut over the past couple of decades. Every time I let it grow out I realized how ridiculous of an endeavor that is. Even if you look good it would generally come at the cost of mirror time.

    Get rid of that nonsense and invest the time into other aspects of your life. Anyone else preferring hair over stubble or bald, you're missing out.

    Generally everyone who shaves their head hates it at first. After about a day or two, they start getting into it. After a week or two, they wonder why it took them this long to do so.

    Shave your head men.

  19. Thanks for the replies, fellas.

    I went in and told myself to just make up my mind on the spot. Some might say I wimped out but I went in and got a regular haircut. haha. I'm happy with my decision. I think if I just get a new cut each month I should be fine for the time being. Once it was cleaned up (evened out) I felt a lot better about the situation. haha.

    Funny thing is the hair stylist gave me her cell phone # to grab a drink sometime. The last thing I was expecting or thinking of happening. haha.

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