Most valuable life lessons youve had?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by AbstractMinds, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. ... Why? The thread is getting replies, why the bump?
  2. A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts

    Do your best and fuck the rest

    To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

    Karma is a bitch.

    The world owes you nothing.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
  3. why do you care? Internet police reporting.



    What you
    Going to do

  4. hey man relax he was just wondering why you did a superfluous thing.

    Anyways life lesson: some ppl are just constantly negative and don't need to be in your life. You will definitely know who they are.
  5. Measure twice, cut once.
  6. I learned the hard way.....[​IMG]

    Never use a public defender.

    Always hire a lawyer.
  7. If you want to know how people will act, look at incentives. This can provide all sorts of insight.
    If you are ever responsible for creating policy of any sort (whether it be rules of your house for your kids, the way some thing works at your work, politics, etc), keep in mind the incentives of all the people who will interact with it.
    If the incentives are set up incorrectly, it won't work like you think it will.

    (E.g., in software development some have tried to gauge coder's productivity by lines of code written. That incentivizes coders to write the lines as short as they can, turning what would normally be a 2 line thing into a 6 line thing, for instance. Now they are spending time and effort figuring out how to game that system, instead of doing their work.)

    Suggested reading: Freakonomics & Super Freakonomics (both of which describe a variety of interesting things throughout the world that you can learn by looking at incentives).

  8. In my short 32 years of life, if there's one thing I've learned (and likely, it is only one thing), it's that people, by and large, don't know shit, about anything. Especially the shit they claim to know a lot about.
  9. My penis wishes I had followed this important advice.
  10. hey man relax you fool
    U did a fool ish thing online u fool
    Hey man
    I am way more powerful then you fool
  11. What truly matters is your happiness and not how you achieve it
  12. The moment you face your fears and step out of your comfort zone and stop following society's expectations and stop caring what other people think and realizing that we are all one changes Everything.

  13. It's OK to be distant from people you don't seem fit anymore. Doesn't make you negative, it's just an act of making yourself feel more positive. Someday we will see
  14. I am the one that gets in my own way.
  15. We are all free, embrace yourself. Better to be loved for who you are than loved for who you pretend to be.

    Value freedom over life, living a lie in a prison is no life at all.

    Love and be free
  16. Best lesson is that our thoughts control our lives.

    Negative thoughts will spiral you into depression while positive thoughts will boost you into succession.

    People who have cancer are perfectly happy until that thought enters their mind, then they get depressed.

    Its all the thoughts about things, not the things themselves.

    So the lesson be positive about everything and you will be much happier when dealing with everything!
  17. don't hold grudges with someone you are not prepared to lose

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  18. Don't complain. It does nothing for you and only makes your situation worse ( + your situation is what you make of it )

    Don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. This will only bring you down. Do what you want and do it for you.

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