First definitive proof of alien civilization?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Shagnus, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. It's quite possibly a Dyson sphere used to collect energy from the sun. It might be the rotation of the arms that blocks the sun. That's my best bet.

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  2. Its probably just Gary Busey being all fucking crazy again.

  3. It's definitely a reptilian energy gatherer
  4. Well we now have an alien Member here in the City
  5. beam me up

  6. #26 SubliminalWeeney, Feb 6, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2016
    Take a look up at the night sky. Count how many stars there are, now tell me that one of those suns haven't or won't harness life at some point in there neighboring planets. You'd be a fool to say that it's impossible, and you'd be doubting your very own existence. Humans are a spec on the timeline of the age of our universe. To say life has not, or will not form elsewhere is just plain absurd. I often catch myself thinking about our very solar systems planets and if they at one point in the past or the future have or will ever harness some living and synthesizing/consuming life form.

    All it takes is the slight chance that conditions are just perfect given the atmospheres contents. No one said it needs to be a life form living and thriving off of oxygen and water. Hell in our very own planet there are creatures living in the depths of our seas who thrive off of methane.

    I think there's just so much we don't understand. And we can't be too quick to assume or out rule anything. The universe is vast, in possibilities and in size.

    Stay weird earthlings
  7. Metrodorus of chios said it best.

    It is unnatural in a large field to have only one shaft of wheat, and in the infinite Universe only one living world.

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