I Never Have an Appetite While Sober

Discussion in 'General' started by smileyman978, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. I smoke every day, with an occasional day here or there where I don't smoke cause I've ran out of bud or somethings going on. Overall its been great, but I've noticed some negative effects that are fucking me over.
    When I'm sober, I have absolutely no appetite, I have to literally cram food down if I'm hungry, sometimes food is so unappealing that it makes me sick. I do get hungry, I just never eat cause nothing sounds good.
    I posted about this on reddit but I got very few responses, and everyone on there either tells me I have depression or chron's disease. I definitely don't have depression, and obviously chron's disease is a real thing and can happen but, I have one symptom, and it's just that I simply do not have an appetite.
    I'm thinking weed is the cause of this, simply because weed makes me have such a big appetite, and because I smoke so much, my body stops making those regular hormones that tell me to have an appetite because weed replaces it, hopefully that made sense.
    Anyone else get this way from weed? Anything that will help? I'm 130-135 lbs, it can't be good for me to eat as little as I do, I have to be completely stoned for me to eat a good meal.
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  2. Sounds like you have high stress? Before I graduated I was so stressed all the time I had to smoke to eat, sleep, function with friends without over thinking my 'to-do' list.

    With that being said, I am sure if you starve yourself long enough, eventually you will eat sober, or you have worms.
  3. Ya I'm like that in the morning but after being awake for a few hours or after smoking i can eat
  4. Dude I weigh 140 and this happens to me. Try to get active maybe jog or lift weights or something it helps and also I haven't been smoking as much lately and that also helps ( a bowl a day) try to look up some recipes and make something good just some ideas
  5. Happens to everyone who smokes weed and eats food.
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  6. Haven't smoked since this morning. Haven't eaten since a while after.
    Probably won't be able to until next pick up.
  7. #7 iAmBetty, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2015
    Stop smoking so much and/or force yourself to eat even if you're not hungry. Exercising will make you hungry all day if you do enough.

    Weed will make you hungry when your high, but often kills your appetite after. your problem is pretty common and is why so many stoners are thinner
  8. you are not the only one, this is been going on with me for about three weeks now I figured I was sick but i'm not I'm just not hungry until I smoke
  9. why though?
  10. Food tastes better when high so when we aren't high we become desensitized to it so the food tastes bland. A tolerance and desensitization is the same thing, the more weed we smoke the more we need to to get us the same high, the more food we eat while high the longer it'll take us to taste food without weed..
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  11. I was trying to bulk up, went 120 to 145. Picked up twin ounces went to 120 again pisses me right off

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