The Earth Is Flat

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by CrackLemonade, May 17, 2015.

  1. #21 zouroff, Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2015
    if this is such and conspiracy theory why do I only see these planes on certin days and the days I do see them they are in groups flying back and forth in the skies covering up the sun?
  2. perhaps they train pilots those days

    Planes follow paths and fly on schedule...
    Must be conspiracy
  3. I'm not as stupid as you think , these people are not training wtf, they are real. Also you guys probably believe the 911 story to. I hate to break the news but are government is fuck up in the head
  4. 911 having insider ties and Chem trails aren't the same thing

    The government is certainly fucked but that's also not a solid argument to stand on here.

    I'll leave you to your plane paranoia lol
  5. They are not real.

    And heavens forbid no I don't believe the 911 conspiracy story.
  6. #26 zouroff, Jun 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2015
    What are the point of these chemtrails they just don't make a sunny day into a cloudy day for no reason, I herd that there's heavy metals in these vapors and they are cancers for are bodies and the environment people even found these metals in there rain water soil and air. Is not that I'm paranoid I smoke cigs that directly poising the air I breath is just the fact that all of you can blindly trust something that covers are skies almost every day. These planes are either fucking with us and that's what they get paid to do, covering up the skies for military or ufo activity. Spraying us with poison for depopulation, and make money off medical bills and cancer the billion $ industry why do you think weed is illegal and cigs are not, bc weed is simply a cure and also a way for a poor Person to make vas which also the government don't want. Why do you think that the meat, dairy canned, box , gmo and fast food is loaded up with cancerous Chems to kill people off and money. Once you understand these concepts which are the simple laws of are government that they run off money and killing then maybe you would understand that the cia created the word conspiracy theory to give people a bad image and make them seem crazy. Well the truth is crazier then any lie. The shampoo, tap water, deodorant, dryer sheets, detergent, perfumes ect are loaded with chemicals to dumb you down and make you live a short clueless life. You guys really need to stop trusting things blindly. Be aware of everything.
    . Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
    you are vomiting information with no evidence or proof, dont tell us we blindly trust shit when you are asking us to blindly believe your nonsense
    second, weed is legal where I live... in the US.... and its a billion dollar industry in itself lol
    third, you probably watched zeitgeist too many times
  8. wake yo ass up, I'm just trying to tap in your little mind. I don't need to provide proof because you would want proof for that proof. The only thing you need to do is google everything I told you if you don't believe me then sorry for your health, there's no reason to lie well at least for me. I'm only about the truth so wake YO ass up do your own research. I'm not you not your teacher. Your just too small minded to understand unconnected with your higher self, haha if you want a place to start searching for poison in your food and personal Items start looking at the ingredients. Then Google that shit! You lived your whole life a lie and I'm over here trying to help your lost self. Your just a hater that's it you just hate on people who try and ope. Your belief system up, you just can't break the Fantasy that you made reality.
  9. #29 SIRSOG, Jun 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2015
    Your first mistake was assuming i havent read into chemtrails and dismissed it as tin foil fucking bullshit, already.
    You also assume you know my diet.... and where i get my food from....
    You are only about the truth yet refuse to provide any sort of material to solidify that you even know the truth. Then further imply the burden is on myself to prove your own theories.
    "Your just a hater that's it you just hate on people who try and ope. Your belief system up, you just can't break the Fantasy that you made reality."
    There is a difference between disagreeing and hating, but i can see all you are going to do is continue to make assumptions and live in your foil fortress
  10. Whatever man I don't have time to elaborate my self on you I'm just showing the you the door. I suggest you research the other topics that I mentioned other then chemtrails. I don't assume I know
    The topics such as the food i eat? Or the ingredients used in food that people eat?
    So, because the food industry has reduced itself to using cheaper, less healthy means of producing food, this means the government is also using aircrafts to poison the air supply, blot out the sun, so on so forth? I think im getting it.
    Man i am so glad you opened my eyes.
    I once was blind but now I see.
  12. . It all about the chemicals man. Every thing connects.
  13. Personally, I'm glad that these patterns you are noticing exist and I'm glad that people are paid to set them up, because I fly fairly frequently and I don't want to get hit by a fucking plane. 
  14. How about you refute your claims instead? You have time to ridicule us, assume our position and even our diets, regurgitate walls of texts of conspiracy after conspiracy, give us random uncredible links without even giving us background on the information you're trying to cite , but you don't have time to elaborate to us poor blinded by science folks?

    The internet is fuckin weird.
  15. #36 SIRSOG, Jun 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2015
    Sandy Hook man, because of the chemicals, the evidence is all there
  16. Follow the trail of chemicals, it's like following a trail of breadcrumbs to uncles hunting cabin, or whatever that weird germanic torture tale said.

    It's funny, because a biochemist would also say follow a chemical trail too, but for obviously scientific reasons . But this guy put a horribly negative spin on the word chemical.
    Chemicals are super dangerous man
    like... sodium is really volatile...and chloride is obviously dangerous for its many applications...
    imagine sodium chloride... i cant even dude
    Or the worst.... dyhydrogen monoxide man...
    found in every single murderer, rapist, and criminal on earth.....
  18. #39 Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Jun 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2015
    The worst part is the gov't allows for mass drugging of dhmo and no one cares. It's making everyone dumber, I mean look at celebrity and other stuff that makes humanity out to be dumb. And the cancer! The rates are going up! Even though the population is growing at exponential rates! And 911! Osama is a dhmo sympathizer. Which is why we blamed him, who then took full blame for the attacks, because we need to keep people drugged with oil and ethanol and nicki minaj chemtrails Sandy Hook

    (YouTube video)


    I once heard you can even just openly get a tour of the facilities DHMO is purified man
    they dont even hide it like they hide their reptile bodies under human suits.

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