How to clean tree percs

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by themanwithnoplan, May 9, 2015.

  1. I soaked in acetone overnight with the brown spots completely submerged to no avail, I just got it off a buddy who hadn't cleaned it in years

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  2. Tree pers can break sometimes when cleaning so be cautious but add some salt with iso alc and shake it for a good minute
  3. Your fishy tank could use some wa-wa.
  4. Highest % iso alcohol you can find, + some salt, and a good shake should get pretty much anything off the glass.  Then rinse with hot water, and repeat if necessary, until the piece is shiny and new looking.
  5. Look into simple green, heard nothing but good stuff about that product.
  6. I sold a tube recently that was caked with resin, it took 2 bottles of grunge off, about 5 or 6 soakings. Took a week to clean.

    I'm guessing that resin went on the glass in layers and hardened, and each soaking only removed a few layers at a time.

    I'd say just keep soaking, shake, soak shake etc
  7. Remove outer glass tube with a hammer then polish with toothbrush.
  8. OP, don't listen to these guys. If you want to really clean your tree perc, Invest in a product called Effin' Clean. Use steaming hot water and let it sit a lot longer than the directions say (try three-four hours rather than the 10 minutes it suggests) You will literally see the gunk that 99% iso won't clean, melt off your piece. 
  9. #9 homestarstoner, May 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
    no OP, the worst advice is to "invest" in any stupid namebrand cleaning product.

    im not here to advertise anything, im just giving you the tried and true stoner method used by every smart stoner

    1. buy a 3 dollar bottle of 91% isopropynol alcohol. (walmart or any drug store)
    2. pour a good amount of any salt into the tree perc and bong. (enough to coat the glass and have a little pile build in the perc)
    3. pour enough iso alcohol down into the tree perc and into the bong
    4. shake the shit out of it in all directions. pour more salt in if needed.
    5. rinse with hot water 4-5 times and shake to get excess salt out

    if you do it right and actually use the salt and iso mix, this method will work 100% fail free.
  10. Be gentle with shaking! Not sure how fragile it is but i typically pour the solution, swish, and then pour it all back into a jar an repeat. I reuse the solution (ISO and salt) until it gets pretty dingy, but if you clean often it stays clean for a while.
  11. Salt and iso is the best option. When you see the water flowing through a perc start shaking and rinse and repeat. Caution is your friend

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    Look man I'm not trying to advertise a product that isn't mine. I typically use iso and salt all the time and it does the job beautifully. I know all of those forumlas they sell at headshops are typically bullshit but this one isn't.  All I'm saying is that effin clean will get that nasty film residue in your tree perc. I recently purchased a five year old tube with a tree perc just like OP's and I let it soak in 99% iso for three days and did many salt shakes. There is a limitation to how much alcohol will clean a piece, even after three days in iso and many salt shakings it didn't come out. Effin Clean retails online for two fucking dollars plus shipping and it's really worth it. 

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