Weed is a gateway drug? Based on my experience

Discussion in 'General' started by ReturnFire333, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Dude, you can say no. It isn't that hard to pull off. Getting exposed to drugs doesn't mean you suddenly want to do them unless you have no will power. I was exposed to some really hard substances on an almost daily basis when my best friend went through a serious addiction problem and I turned down plenty of chances to do some stuff like that. That type of exposure is WAY more tempting than a dealer offering to sell you something yet with a little will power and reasoning I could turn it down despite my curiosity.
    Anyways, it is the legality of weed that forces you into these situations. If it were legal you would have the option to go to a legal vendor and purchase your weed without any temptation to try other drugs. That is how a legal market undermines the gateway drug theory because you have a choice to avoid those scenarios.
    It's true. Alcohol, cigarettes, weed, etc. The statement "Weed is THE gateway drug" is propaganda, the only fair truthful statement is weed is A gateway drug.
  3. #23 ReturnFire333, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    "Gateway drug does not mean that smoking weed will cause you to consume unmentionables, but it can easily bring the possibility there to many people, readily available. "
    Also what if Joe down the street is selling his homegrown top shelf quality bud for the half the cost of a zip at the dispensary, and also has a bag of UNMS?
  4. Alcohol isn't really a gateway either, once again it often puts people into a scenario where they will be offered other drugs. I am a craft beer aficionado, yet I don't get tired of the alcohol buzz and start desperately searching for something stronger. It is rare when that actually happens, and when it does it generally results in alcoholism and not other drug problems. There is no 'actual gateway,' just scenarios that make people more likely to try other substances.
    Where did I claim alcohol is not a gateway drug in this thread? Wat?

    Really. Am I the only one who sees this or what.
  6. #27 ReturnFire333, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    People make their own alcohol too, and they very may well sell it (though more likely they just share it with friends, as would be the case with reasonable marijuana laws). How often do you buy illegal alcohol from strangers? That used to be the only way to get alcohol, but then it was legalized.
  8. Don't buy the unmentionables. Don't ask to see them. Tell Joe you would rather avoid that stuff and if he offers to sell you some anyway then fuck Joe go buy from Jim around the block. What part of saying no to Joe is so difficult? You can choose who to buy from or where to buy it. You have the power to avoid the unmentionables if you so please.
  9. #30 ReturnFire333, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    Gateway drug does not mean that smoking weed will cause you to consume unmentionables, but that it can easily bring the possibility there to many people, readily available. Requoted again.
    No you don't have the power to avoid them if you go to joe expecting to only see, buy, and be exposed to cannabis, but Joe pulls out a bag of UNMS.
  10. #31 ReturnFire333, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    The ability to produce cannabis, and in high quantites, is much easier than alcohol. Apples to oranges is important in a debate like this. It takes machinery to produce beer, all it takes is lights to grow weed. Yeah people can make their own whiskey and sell it cheap, which would be a valid gateway point. Just because the example is minimized (not many people producing their own whiskey to sell) doesn't eliminate the fact. Refer to my one weed dealer in the world post.
  12. You guys are in denial..its will power..its like quiting shit you have to have a mind set. if your mind is set to doing other drugs well thats you doing it willingly lol. only way if you dont do it willingly if its forced.
  13. Do you not have any will power? Yes you can avoid them! Being offered something does not mean you have to even look at it. And once again, SAY NO!!! How is that so difficult to get? Make it clear you only want weed if it is that big of a deal because you forgot how to turn down the offer. Once again, tell Joe ahead of time that you want weed and nothing more. This is a very simple concept.
  14. #35 ReturnFire333, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    Does that brew beer? Idk. Still makes and goes to prove my point though. It can be done and people are doing it (selling homemade whiskey at cheaper than store prices, and maybe having a bag of unms aswell)

    Gateway drug does not mean that smoking weed will cause you to consume unmentionables, but that it can easily bring the possibility there to many people, readily available.  
    Requoted a third time.

    Gateway drug does not mean that smoking weed will cause you to consume unmentionables, but that it can easily bring the possibility there to many people, readily available. 
    Requoted fourth time, in bold.
  15. cause they are weak minded idiots and shouldnt be around drugs to begin with
  16. Just because you know someone that has unmentionables does not mean that you will use them... If you are weak minded enough to do them the second your weed dealer says he has them then you would of gone down that road eventually anyways. Just would of had to find a different way to get them (not very hard).
    Weed was still the gateway. I'm going to make this my signature or something
     Gateway drug does not mean that smoking weed will cause you to consume unmentionables, but that it can easily bring the possibility there to many people, readily available. 
  18. We heard you the first time. You are starting to sound like a broken record
     Gateway drug does not mean that smoking weed will cause you to consume unmentionables, but that it can easily bring the possibility there to many people, readily available. 
    5th time.

    You heard me the first time yet you're still trying to argue with your broken point. Wat.

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