Things Wrong With society

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by dannyszu, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. So, life got me thinking.
    Many of us know, for lack of a better term, things are fucked up. What exactly is wrong then, with this society? What is it that we do not do? What is it that we do, but should not? Where do we go wrong, have gone wrong, and most importantly what can we do about it? 
    The first step in any problem is admitting there's a problem, outlaying those issues and bringing them on the forefront. I know many of you are also intrigued and would love to create a new, sustainable, long term, realistic, less wasteful future for the earth.
    I really think this type of a thread has potential in exposing the seldom spoken of things that we do not do, or provide, or for...that being others.
    What I would not like in this thread is closed-minded ignorant bafoons. Sure, some suggestions may come off as outlandish, but if there is genuinely a problem in that particular area, it need be addressed.
    To get it started:
    - We have a major food distribution problem. It goes to those who have the money. It sometimes comes from those countries which are "third world" and perhaps cannot afford to be sending their own food overseas. 
    - The education system. It's a system, it does teach, but is riddled with flaws and virtually never improved. It teaches passiveness, does not allow for questioning, does not really account for peoples interests. It doesn't even teach fundamental understanding of what life is, things such as meditation, yoga, inner power, etc. are completely excluded.
    - We suppress natural innate desire to fulfill dreams with mediocrity and fitting in.
    - We are depleting our natural resources in a greedy, somewhat wasteful, money driven, no regard for the future kind of manner.
    - My biggest beef...Money. Money, implies greed. You work for you. You buy things, generally speaking, for you. It accounts for a myriad of problems we have. I'll leave it at that.
    We all know its fucked up, we see it, we sense it, but our passiveness prevails, our lack of questioning prevail. We all want peace, love, happiness. Religions teach it, but we don't know where to start. We have to start with training our subconscious, it being a long, arduous process. Most of us don't know that it controls a load of our emotions, reactions, and day to day life.
    I'll leave this with a post from Shawshank Redemption that caught my eye a while back:
    Man: Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society...
    Red: I know what you think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?
    Man: Well, are you?
    Red: There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit.

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  2. Thank god schools aren't teaching meditation, yoga, and "inner power".

    I think imposing arbitrary rules, blind belief without research, and not thinking of the long term welfare of our species are the main problems we face.
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  3. While what you say may be true Heroic Dose, the consequences or byproducts of the ignorance and importance of where we stand should be laid out and brought to attention.

    Some other things wrong:
    - media manipulation and one-sidedness which correlates to the influence of massive corporations
    - we still use cars as the main mode of daily transportation as if we are not capable of creating a better way to get around.
    -patents lock out the opportunity for people to share ideas and engineer the best possible ways for humans to get shit done one has any contributions to this thread which should, in an ideal world, be open conversation and scrutinously looked at.

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  4. right and wrong and a lot of bitchiness, too many people bitch and complain about others, I'm even doing it now a bit. But examples like that girl in magaluf and everyone says how she's disgusting and stuff, why can't they just leave it, what difference does it make to them, they aren't the ones who were doing it.
    The way society says you can't wear sandals with socks. The way people have to go to schools, the fact that people get benefits.
  5. Thuglife is wrong... 'The hate u give Lil infants fucks everybody'

    And everyone takes life too seriously




    So much more
  6. the world needs more kindness...
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  7. I honestly think those things would be a powerful positive force. Why do you think they would be negative. If conducted in the right way it would cutlivate reflection and insight in peoples lives.

    A lot of people roam around feeling like the world has slighted them in some way, or just feeling bad in some sense or another. This is basically thd problem in society. There is no clarity andpece of mind. People are always involved in drama or havig trouble pursuing desires and maintaining addictions.

    Meditation and yoga in a true sense, not the fake magical stuff, would have a huge benefit for children and will help them overcome issues in their own lives.

    Btw danny, I really like what you're saying dude.
  8. i dont think its wrong to teach it to kids whatsoever (well, maybe "inner power" depending on what exactly that entails. im not one for meaningless feel goodery), and agree that it could indeed be benefitial.

    however, not at school. so much time is already wasted on worthless instructions and programs that eventually there just isnt time for everything that may be valuable. id rather have my kids get an education at school and have them learn meditation in a different place.

    also, i really believe most of the teachers would be typical white yuppie soccer mom types unable to give quality teaching in such a matter.
  9. I personally think education was pretty good for me when I was younger, but it didn't suit my needs as I grew older. It doesn't work well when the government has control over education imo.

    If all education was privatized I think it would be perfect. Then we wouldn't need to live in subservience to a system that some of us don't agree with.

    The best syatem will come out on top. Obviously there will be religiously dogmatic systems or other sorts of delusional systems but with complete freedom, the best will come out on top. This also requires in my opinion a third mediatng party that assures abaolute transparency. All institutions in society should have absolute transparency.

    Also, there was a study done in a school of kids who meditated in silence on their breath for ten minutes a day actually had a huge decrease in bullying and violence.
  10. yes, Gangs are bad and people wanting to be gangstars, I think that's the worst part of society however over all it's not too bad.
  11. have you read my post? are you aware of what's going on in Ukraine?....hope your being sarcastic lol

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  12. No, I'm not aware, I don't receive news, I tried reading your post but I'm really tired and my brain isn't working well. I am slow (retarded).
  13. Imagine how fucked up our bodies would be if our cells were constantly fighting each other, climbing over each other to get to the top. Separation is an illusion. We are all one and need to act like it. Sounds cliche but treat your neighbour like yourself and you'll solve lots of things

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  14. War on Drugs all of the millions of innocent ppl locked in prison for a miracle plant that has 0% death rate

    It is natural medicine... Just a plant

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  15. It is mostly a matter of things over which we have absolutely no control.  The U.S. government will not be overthrown any time soon, and they run the show.  And on top of that, they dont care about these things.  People are money.  As long as they are trained from an early age to learn the rules and play by them and be just like everybody else and to keep feeding the machine, nothing will change...just the way they like it.  It is a real disaster.
  16. the planet has become so over-populated with humans if we don't come up with a legitimate plan to reserve food and use it efficiently, over the next few 1000 years we will starve ourselves and the population will eventually gradually die.
    i agree the school system is somewhat flawed. there are things that matter in the real world school doesn't prepare us for. schools should educate us on how to efficiently think and use logic, how to manage emotions, how to form relationships and be social etc. these are things that are critical to pretty much everything in life, yet young children are thrown in the deep end and don't have much guidance towards them...these are things that would make growing up and becoming an adult a much more effective process, and likely change how society as a whole operates.
    being judgmental and desperately trying to fit in are things that human evolution could have done without. they make closed minded, self centered people who are weak and feel the need to feed their ego from the outside. the media is a fantastic example of just this. the media enhances this because people watching it believe that what they're watching is true and is the overall consensus of the public, just because it is being shown to the majority. it brainwashes people...and focuses on things which aren't important to the advancing of the human race. im not sure how we can improve this, otherwise than spreading this type of message. when more of the world have technology like the western world, the media will have more control over the publics opinion of things and will be able to manipulate more of the world, thus giving the people in charge more power.
  17. A plan to reserve food? I don't see the need unless apocalyptic times come... we have 7 billion or so we just have a knack for letting it go to the greedy ones.

    What else I see wrong:
    - religion. I get it, you can have faith. folks have to regard science as a more factual, prevalent way of looking at the world however. How can you deny extra - terrestrial...need proof? Look in the sky at night. We as a society gotta get on the same page about certain things, find the commonalities not the differences.

    Brainstormiinn woohooo
  18. 7 billion with a billion increasing annually... in only a hundred years the population will start becoming ridiculous, im talking long term, our species will begin to die out if we carry on consuming like we are and continue expanding like we are over the next few 1000 years.
    the planet has never had as much consumption in food as it is in this modern era, and its only geting worse not only with the expansion of the population but more countries are beginning to catch up with the western world, technology in places like africa are beginning to take hold and their continent will begin to eat more as well as many other places.
    apparently africa is the place to be doing business for the next few decades because the internet is coming about over there and other technologies, a very large population in africa are currently offline so they dont even know about websites like ebay or netflix.. it is a perfect opportunity to become an entrepreneur as the posibilities are endless and we already have so many ideas from what we know currently about technology
  19. I think you made a mistake, a billion new people annually? Lol so in a hundred years well have 107 billion?

    I would actually point out that your logic in exploiting Africans because they are the last of the continents to have Internet/accessibility for things we do is wrong. Why must we benefit and implement our way of life (big business in particular) once they begin to get going economically?

    Now, of course I'm more geared towards a complete societal shift, but please, explain why it's OK for our big business to Weasel in and make more money?
  20. our society's pretty much the product of a bunch of greedy white people who slaughterd and expanded in the name of their western god,
    imperialism and capitalism are both greed based and counter-productive
    no wonder theres so many flaws in our society, if you cant tell our culture really isnt that worried about where were headed both globally and spiritually......

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