True Or False: Was Religion Created Out Of A Fear Of Death And To Simply Have Something To Believe In?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by tokeallday, May 19, 2014.

    I guess, but the people who subscribed to religion wanted those questions answered. They just unwittingly let it control them also
  2. Religion was created as a fear :eek: tool and used to control. Much the same as today :cry: . Peace!
  3. False god is real , very very real. explain excorsisms, explain people having near death experinces and saying they say 2 angels with broad shoulders with very perfect description saying how they saved them.  Hes real. God save everyone.
  4. #64 -13 Amp-, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2015

    NDEs have been re-created by people, you can experience one yourself if you want, NASA stumbled across it when trying to get pilots ready for high G flights...they would put them in what is called a centrifuge test...

    It spins the people around at the high G rates and the blood rushes from their head and they pass out....they all explain exactly the same things as NDEs, walking down a hall way, walking into a bright light, seeing dead loved ones, etc etc...but then they wake up and remember

    Also the dude that coined the term "Near-Death Experience" and wrote books about them has never actually had one...

    i've tried making the video jump right to the section about the tests, but it wont work for me, so start the video at 2:15
  5. Maybe God knew religion would eventually become a montheistic moral guide when he sent the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and changed the course of evolution.
  6. [SUB]There is no real way to determine why religion was 'created'. Like others pointed out , religion is a human trait. Did it manifest from human boredom? Maybe, But if you look at the facts , what little we do know it is really clear that something at one point changed humans to separate us from every other living organism on our planet. I'm not an expert on the topic , but I believe that current religion like Christianity was just the result of a failing greek religion combined with a group of men who wanted to capitalize on that failure. If you look at greek mythology, specifically at greek automata you can clearly tell disseat was a main factor of their church flourishing. Automatic doors that open by steam after a pyre outside is ignited, to simulate the divine opening the church doors in the morning or the bottomless wine glass are just two examples.[/SUB]
    [SUB] [/SUB]
    [SUB]I believe these religions are just ancient corporations focused on economics and disobedience of the masses. The ancient leaders controlled religion in their time, do you think that ever changed? the only difference from then and now is our money has no value. Fort Knox has a stock pile of billions upon billions worth of gold but yet the whole U.S. works for little notes with numbers on them, It's borderline slavery. The bible is a bunch of "honey comb lip" , ship surviving a flood that destroys everything else bullshit if you ask me. But do I believe that someone more divine then ourselves exists? Yes I do, its the only way I can make sense of this complex universe and all the complex organism on our planet but hey maybe that's the same thinking that separates us from other organisms and maybe that's also the mindset that started religion. :) [/SUB]
  7. There's various aspects, I will use multidimensional thinking for this.
    Morality. Morality is cultural conditioned, religion is part of a geographical location's culture, the doctrines placed in a medium are written down beliefs/values to how a person should act, behave, and think to live a stable life.
    Fear. Fear is also a conditioned response, socially based. Fear gets induced when a person violates or contravenes belief that is placed in the medium. The external response is projection, the person will either use "you" or "they to castrate judgment. The internal response is "introjection" when the person has failed to live up to their ideal and the result is sorrow and feeling gloom.
    The mystery of Death. Gods were invented as a ritual part of their ceremony, they usually sacrificed a human or animal to please their particular God.
    Social Belonging. Religious groups are created for a group of individuals to socialize with one and another.
    Control. The doctrines and ideologies can also control a person's train of thought or a location from progressing.
    Wisdom. The folklore used in the medium uses personified figures to incorporate wisdom for the individual to accumulate. The wisdom usually relates to health, life experiences, morality, personal development, etc.
    As for the word "God", the answer has already been found ( If you don't know, now you know.
  8. Religion and the belief in the spirit is parrallel to human existance. It just simply is, and you decide why it's there
  9. True, IMO. 'Controlling the masses' is often cited as the reason for religion's creation, but I think this is more just a bonus.
    Death is fucking scary, whether we care to admit it or not. Most religions reference death and an afterlife, some are pretty much obsessed with it. We've come up with all different flavors of afterlife and how to get into it. Even some people who are not technically religious believe in things like ghosts, contacting spirits, reincarnation, 'becoming one with the universe', etc. We simply do not want to stop existing. The mere concept of such can be unsettling. And delusion is a hell of a drug to quell these fears.
    Staring death in the face, watching others pass away in work and in life, and eventually (mostly) coming to terms with my own mortality is pretty much the biggest factor in myself walking away from religion.
  10. Religion is to ancient society what the modern security industrial complex is to modern society.
    A way of controlling information, hording knowledge for the elites, exploiting society framework to allow the masses to inform on themselves (compare the effects of 'confession' - essentially having people snitch themselves out because of guilt - to the amount of snooping that goes on with modern communications). Religion is dying off, but the elites still have a way to steer and monitor society, and I would argue that their newest form of surveilance and social engineering is much more effective.
  11. Ancient aliens created us and put us here to mine gold..  We created stories to explain all this...  All over the world similar things were happening... That is why so many religions are similar..  There is truth in religion..  There are other dimensions and things we cannot imagine...
  12. dumbass aliens.

    Who creates humans to mine gold?

    So much for superior intelligence

  13. All Control mechanisms are created out of fear
  14. I vote desire to rationalize, mixed in with a lot of ego and delusions.
  15. #75 Dryice, Apr 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2015
    Okay I can write extensively about this but I'll try to keep it cliff notes so it's more accessible.
    While what you suggest definitely plays a role in the survival of religion, it's not why it was created. More succinctly religion was accidentally created and propagated as a social meme (Dawkins writes about this in The God Delusion I'm fairly certain). It turned out once society had created a system where they owed their existence and well-being to a 'higher-power' it actually worked really well for them - relatively. It mostly boils down to the morals/ethics that are taught by those beliefs system. Obviously a society that believes if you are punished for killing someone (punished beyond your own current existence) a lot of people will be motivated by that to avoid killing. And as those societies flourish as a result of their teachings the religion becomes more and more present (and even expands over continents in some cases).
    So again what you said isn't wrong, but I just wouldn't agree it's why religion came onto the scene. Quite obviously religion eases the fear of death so that definitely helped keep it going.
  16. Sort of. Ancient peoples created religion out of fear of death yes but they also created it for blessings and well being. Some of the earliest gods were also fertility gods that people would have idols for in order to be blessed with good fertility.

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  17. more generally, fear of the unknown, which includes death
  18. i think religion was created with good intentions at first to just support people and make them feel that they arent alone and that there is a god and higher powers looking over them. to 'comfort' them through their lives

    but over the many centuries it's pay off has been millions of dead people and somewhat of a split world now.

    Sent from my intergalactic spaceship hotbox
  19. I think first it was of necessity of having a strong community then the party leader slowly became a dictator and people close to him corrupted. like with communism alike with pope
  20. True. I still believe in God for some reason, but do not believe in established religions. There has been too much death pain and anger caused from religion for me to be able to accept it. With even mild use of critical thinking skills, it becomes pretty clear that religion is not something I want to involve myself in.

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