Hillary Clinton: Clock ‘turning back’ for women in U.S.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. The problem with the Feminism that started in the 1960's is the idea that women can "have it all", i.e. family, advanced education degrees, free day care and nannies for the children, high-powered careers, etc. This is simply not possible for most working women. On top of this, they expect the life expectancy to be the same as before! Even if all of this was attainable, the stress and demands would definitely take a toll and, like being the breadwinner for men has been, will lower life expectancy. Look I have nothing against women working but the fast track to the grave is what Hillary is recommending. She is/was rich, had a powerful husband, and only one kid. Don't be a chump and assume that every woman will be able to do what she thinks is possible.

  2. #62 Oni~, Nov 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2015
    They either will be, or it will be the unsupportive/obstructive/not rich enough guy's fault.

    A few months back, still in the US, We were at a dinner party and this young married couple in their late 20's were having a conversation in front of my gf and I. The girl's female friend joined in and they absolutely >Eviscerated< the guy in front of everyone at the table about not being able to afford them a bigger house. Mind you, the house they already have was very nice upper middle class, but fk that because.............MTV Cribs?

    The guy, blue pill to the bone, was apologizing the entire time. Not for once did he stop to tell her friend to fuck off and stop berating him, in front of strangers, on how he should or should not behave in his marriage. This is someone intelligent enough to afford a very decent middle class life in the US, but not bright enough to see how he is getting mentally manhandled.

    Obviously every chick is not not that guano. My gf found the situation as absurd as I have, but the point is this exists. The more simpler minded women are told they can have it all via magical means, the more unrealistic expectations will be set. This is not about "holding someone down" It's about explaining to people that not everyone gets to be a rock star or professional athlete..........the Oprah edition. Alas, facts are sexist.

  3. [​IMG]

    Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers a question time. One little boy puts up his hand and she asks him what his name is.

    "Kenneth," the boy replies.

    "And what is your question, Kenneth?"

    "I have three questions... first - whatever happened to the medical health care plan you were paid to develop during your husband's eight years in the office as President?"

    "Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office?"

    "Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"

    Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary Clinton informs the kids that they will continue after recess. When they resume, Hillary says, "Okay, where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"

    A different little boy puts his hand up.

    Hillary points him out and asks him what his name is.

    "Larry " he says.

    "And what is your question, Larry?"

    "I have five questions... first - whatever happened to the medical health care plan you were paid to develop during your husband's eight years in the office as President?"

    "Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office?"

    "Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"

    "Fourth - why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?"

    "Fifth - where's Kenneth?"

  4. Yes my friend is going through a lot of what some of the posters above have been talking about. He is in his early 40s has had a successful career. The man is an energizer bunny when it comes to charities and just plain helping people.Nicest guy ever. His girlfriend of about 5 years who is about 15 years younger and her family and friends are constantly pressuring him to pop the question. He refuses because growing up his father worked constantly to pay child support and alimony but never got to see him because he did not have custody. His father was just an average guy nothing wrong with him but the judge thought it was important for the children to stay with their mother. He never wants to go through what his father went through so he refuses to have children and he refuses to get married. My father has had a similiar experience even going to jail for child support that the state took but never gave to my mom and then he loses his job because he's in jail and then gets sent to jail again because he can't pay the child support without a job. I think the state a long with the cultural aspects is to blame for making marriage and family undesirable for men. I can go on and on with stories from people I've known and worked with. Unemployment and economicly bad times is not just a threat to their livelihood its a threat to their very freedom because of the neo debtors prisons.
  5. Modern Feminism has to be the one of the stupidest philosphys of our time. Those dumb, obnoxious, man hating, whiny c***s are right up there with the westboro baptist church, KKK, holocaust deniers and the #blacklivesmatter crowd. The war on white cis males burns on however illogical their arguments may be.
  6. We should merge this thread with the TPP thread I created. Both illustrate why HRC is a fraud and a half.
  7. #67 pot factory, Jan 27, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2016
    Women running things is wrong. Their dim wittedness is something to be alarmed about. The woman these days are so fricking much a bunch of highly animated dipshits. They put on shows of utter nonsense and highly imaginative behavior. To them everything is scary. They are so full of shiit it isn't funny.
    This type of blind animosity is not welcome in the City.
    Why try an alienate half the World? ICGreen
  8. All women are dim witted. Thanks for letting me know that over 150 million people are entirely composed of idiots. Idiocy knows no gender.

  9. It's people like you that fuels Clinton to be able to spew the horrendous bullshit that she does, and gets away with.

  10. The irony is a lot of those people hate straight, white males, bonus points for being old and Jewish, and yet they probably love Bernie Sanders.
  11. "Clearly, I"m not asking people to vote for me simply because I"m a woman. I"m asking people to vote for me on the merits. And I think one of the merits is: I am a woman.” I actually had to look this up the first time I read it because I thought it was a parody but here it is straight from the horse's mouth.


    Modern day feminism has moved the goal posts because they've accomplished so much they've gone from "women should be equal" to "women are superior and men are evil." It's a weird sort of reverse sexism much in a similar way to many issues with race.

    I believe that personally in some regards it's harder to be a black person or female than a white man, especially in areas like criminal justice and certain job applications. I read some pretty good journal articles about studies done to try and determine if there were elements of racism inside certain institutions. They found that by applying to the same jobs with fake applications only where the applicant differed really in whether their name sounded white or black overwhelmingly and pretty significantly the white guy was chosen more often. From what I remember the methodology was pretty good on the study.

    In addition many studies of the criminal justice system have found that white people will often get lesser sentences than black people for virtually the same crimes especially in more heavily white areas. At first I thought it might be because a massive confounding variable of poverty levels but the study actually tried to take that into account and still found very similar results when comparing sentencing for white and black people in similar income levels.

    But then in other respects I also think it's easier to be black or a woman. It all depends on your lot in life and there is no one size fits all description. You are probably worse off a lot of the time if you are black, but there are many cases where you will do reverse racism benefits like when applying to colleges or jobs looking for "diversity". Especially right now if you're trying to get into a field like tech industry or engineering where they are actively encouraging hiring more women and black people, because they are perceived to be a racist boys club by the mainstream for lacking "diversity".

    I think either way the idea that someone should be considered better or worse because of their gender or race will never result in true equality. You can't inherently stop people from being consciously (rarer these day) or subconsciously racist (more common) which is why you can set an atmosphere for equality but you can't force it on to people or social engineer it. Nothing is dumber than the notion that you are racist if you don't believe in affirmative action or race quotas.
  12. I hate this idea of "subconscious" racism because it's kind of like original sin in a way. I say I'm not racist, so they come back with "not consciously maybe, but you've absorbed unconscious biases and therefore are still somewhat racist".

    It's hard if not impossible to verify scientifically, it's basically just a way to still claim society is racist when it's really not.

  13. Well I would agree with your point a certain extent there are some decent studies out there that show people are subconsciously racist. It's not to say that the whole world is racist or that you should somehow try to counter it. I think it's something we should recognize is real based on the evidence. If you want I can find a link to some studies when I have some time.
  14. Sexism is used too often to make a point. Hillary says she's a woman, has a vagina, she gave birth, yada yada yada. So, does she want to run on her own merits (which are questionable as well) or because she's a woman? And what about the women who will vote for her because she is, in fact, a woman? Or what about the men who would note vote for her because she's a woman?

    There are many different angles to this. Germany went from Hitler to Merkel, anything can happen. The U.S. is a country that, while it attempts to become more evolutionary, there are still many people with older values (same-sex marriage, pro-life, man is the breadwinner, etc.) who impact the nation. Think about how different the younger electorate and the older people are. It's night and day, really. That impacts the sexism argument as well.

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