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Sativa and Indica in which maybe best for me. Strain question

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by SGT_W33D-LOVE-420, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. I suffer from a number of disabilities such as autism, Bipolar (type 2) Major Depression Disorder (MDD) ADHD, I also have very violent headaches.

    Strains I have tried and liked were the following.

    Sweet island skunk
    Blue diesel
    Blueberry yum yum
    Black berry kush

    However that was when used to smoke over a year ago.

    The sweet island skunk kept me really calm and mellow. I got too high off if the AK-47
    The blue diesel was a little to powerful as well. Blueberry yum yum was decent and every time I hit the BBK one of my ears rang.

    The best in my opinion was sweet island skunk. Much positive to say about that strain.

    I was wondering if you guys could help me by listing Sativa and indicas that could help my really bad symptoms. Like ill get super depressed and just get sad. Sometimes really sad. The sweet island skunk helped that pretty well. Also my headaches that are terrible like migraines but happen 3 times a day. What are some strains you guys think would be best for me? I just don't wanna spend a lot if money on strains I'm not sure will help. Thanks to all who tip in!
  2. Try some Sour OG. It's a really nice hybrid with a high thc percentage as well as some CBD and CBN.
  3. I have Aspergers and have been clinically depressed in the past. My highs from a sativa dominate hybrid are the most comfortable for me.

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