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YIKES.....Stealth shipping ...notsomuch HELP

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by oldsmoky, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. #1 oldsmoky, Nov 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2013
    1. \t\t<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 200px;background-color:rgb(250,250,250);">\t<div style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif;color:rgb(51,51,51);">\t<div style="margin:0px;">\t<div style="margin:0px;">\t<blockquote> [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]</blockquote>\t<blockquote>I have ordered seeds from Bonza with stealth packaging three times. Twice they have come no problem Once on October 4th, the second on November 5th , The third I ordered the day after, Nov 6th because I changed my mind.</blockquote>\t<blockquote>

      This third time, the package sat in customs for 4 days at O'Hare then very quickly made it to my PO whereas tracking said a "notice was left" Which I didn't see one in the mailbox.

      \tHe may have come to my door and I had only just stepped out.[​IMG]

      \tWhy would the third package require a signature when Bonza does not and I did not request it? 
      Could he have <b>not </b>left a signature required notice because he wanted to hand me the package? What should I do? How many attempts will they try before they send it back.</blockquote>\t<blockquote>

      I can try to ignore him knocking [​IMG] but what if I don't...should I play stupid and tell them I don't know why I get those, but I have been sending them back? The thing about Bonza is they use an unusual stealth packaging, but at the same time, it is the same exact thing and not something one would order over and over, could their machines have seen the bold writing on the cover of the packaging inside the bubble envelope and seen that it a repetitive item that didn't make sense?</blockquote>\t<blockquote>
      Has anyone ever heard of this? There are only 4 seeds in the package. Do you think they noticed the other two and then this one just seemed to make them rethink why they didn't stop the other two? WHich also only had 3 seeds in each of them.</blockquote>\t<blockquote>
      I have two small plants. Should I destroy them? I guess actually they are small enought to hide. But i also just got my stash today and that worries me as well.

      \tObiWon Kanobi I need your help.  
      </blockquote>\t<blockquote>All I am trying to do is stay well and alive for as long as I possible can.  I am afraid the laws aren't changing fast enough.</blockquote>\t
    1. \t
    are you talking about your post office or probation officer when you say PO?
  2. my orders from attitude required signatures and the first one got caught at customs and when I went to pick it up from the post office there was just a notice saying they took the seeds out and destroyed them
  3. #4 oldsmoky, Nov 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2013
    So Sorry. my Post Office.
    1. \t<blockquote>I have ordered seeds from Bonza with stealth packaging three times. Twice they have come no problem Once on October 4th, the second in November 5th , The third I ordered the day after, Nov 6 th because I changed my mind.</blockquote>\t<blockquote>

      This third time, the package sat in customs for 4 days at O'Hare then very quickly made it to my PO whereas tracking said a "notice was left" Which I didn't see one in the mailbox.

      \tHe may have come to my door and I had only just stepped out.[​IMG]

      \tWhy would the third package require a signature when Bonza does not and I did not request it? 
      Could he have <b>not </b>left a signature required notice because he wanted to hand me the package? What should I do? How many attempts will they try before they send it back.</blockquote>\t<blockquote>

      I can try to ignore him knocking [​IMG] but what if I don't...should I play stupid and tell them I don't know why I get those, but I have been sending them back? The thing about Bonza is they use an unusual stealth packaging, but at the same time, it is the same exact thing and not something one would order over and over, could their machines have seen the bold writing on the cover of the packaging inside the bubble envelope and seen that it a repetitive item that didn't make sense?</blockquote>\t<blockquote>
      Has anyone ever heard of this? There are only 4 seeds in the package. Do you think they noticed the other two and then this one just seemed to make them rethink why they didn't stop the other two? WHich also only had 3 seed in them.

      \tI have two small plants. Should I destroy them? I guess actually they are small enought to hide. But i also just got my stash today and that worries me as well.

      \tObiWon Kanobi I need your help
    </div></blockquote>All it takes is a K-9 and you are screwed (dogs smell in layers and can smell through tight packaging, and even air tight jars). You do realize that O'hare is one of the most notorious places for seed seizures (just look up "chicago customs seed seizure" on google)? The feds are probably trying to track you right now and see if you are a legitimate distributor. It's not yet time to destroy your plants, just lay low for a while and they will stop pursuing your case (laying low means don't have a lot of traffic coming in and out of your house, don't make anymore orders for a while, etc)
  4.  So this isn't a sting set up between the Post Office and the Police? :hide:
    lol I was trippin out too when I went to pick it up... It was a weird pick up only post office that was just a hole in a wall... I was like "theres definitely cops waiting for me on the other side"
    but they just took out the seeds but in a letter and taped it up with the infamous green tape.. what state are you in tho I'm in california they might be more strict elsewhere...
    Love :wub:       
    I am a 60 year old woman living in Single Occupancy Housing.  I have virtually no traffic.  I couldn't lay any lower unless I was buried/  Management would actually laugh extremely loud if someone suggested this of me.
    There were only 4 seeds in the package.  Wouuld I be worth it...could Gov. Perry be this desperate?
      :blink: :wacko: :angry: :devious: :mad: :confused: :eek: :cry:
  7. yeah.... :metal: (Icon is sarcasm)
    It was actually illegal to be gay :hippie:   here only 3 years ago.  You could and usually did get fired from your job. :poke:
    Im no expert but I dont think dogs can sniff seeds.. this question could be solved with a simple google search but I'll speculate instead.. my guess is there are so many seeds coming into this country they dont track every person who orders them (especially if they got caught in another state).. And if you are a 60 year old woman I doubt they would lock you up. but then again we are talking about texas...
  9. I don't know what texas is like, but illinois would give you no mercy, and there are cases of people in far worse shape than you who have been set up in sting operations (read Don't get rid of your plants, but be more careful next time. Instead of making three orders in a 1-2 month period, space out your orders more (maybe 1 every 6 months at least)
  10. Please.
    I am seeking a false sense of security./// because I believe that's all that's left. :laughing:
  11. #13 oldsmoky, Nov 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2013
    Point taken.  No more orders for me for a long time and never to my door again.
    I just read your link.  That woman was in the forefront of the news and has admitted to having it in her possession since 2008.   Also she was a politician rider.  The one the republicans  :ph34r: hate who are trying to disarm them in this fight.  Thus, even though it is legal, the politicians made it so it is never legal for her again.
    I have only used weed once or twice in the last few weeks and then not for 20 years before that.  I cannot get it.  Just today someone came to my rescue. but the product is no longer in my possesiion and not even on the premises.     :cool:  
    The plants I have are pathetic and only inches tall.  I promise you, they look so bad, any decent grower would have trashed them.  I keep fucking up.  Transplanting too soon, over watering, overnuting, touching them causing them to have their poor limbs town apart.  I am a disgrace to the industry. :confused_2: 
  12. Seriously people would I be worth the money spent and would any DA accept something so trite? :devious:
  13. Man op, you are friggin hilarious! Making me laugh out loud!

    Friggin Texas. Brothers locked up there right now....

    Sux that all these seed companies can't get a better shipping method. Here's an idea for them.....BIGGER BOXES!!!!

    You probably know the definition of insanity.

    Thanks for the heads up on bonza seeds!

    Bonza if you're reading this, get yo shit together nigga!

  14. lol, it takes trial and failure to figure out how to grow. Just give it some time
  15. I just read this on a legal website:
    This year is starting off with a bang.  Recently, we represented a client in the City of Garland Municipal Courtwho was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.  He was alleged to have possessed marijuana seeds, which the police state they found during a routine traffic stop.  However, under Texas law, seeds are not considered drug paraphernalia, because, in order to be drug paraphernalia, the items seized must be used to introduce drugs into your system.  Clearly, marijuana seeds do not meet this definition.  Furthermore, possession of marijuana seeds is not prohibited under the general marijuana possession statute.  In fact, when a person is charged with possession of marijuana in Texas (whether it be the City of Garland Municipal Court, or elsewhere), the law requires that the seeds and stems be removed before the weed is weighed.  Hence, he could not prosecuted under that law, either.  The result? Case dismissed!  If you have a City of Garland Municipal Court case, call Berlof & Newton, P.C. today @ 214.827.2800, or contact one of our lawyers directly using the "Get Legal Help Now!" free consultation request form in the left margin of this web page.  Whether it's a speeding ticket, no insurance violation, running a red light, no drivers license, public intoxication, or any other class "C" misdemeanor, we can help!
    This is the website:
  16. sign it..i have to every time i order from additude
    To be perfectly honest it wouldn't surprise me one bit if most drugs and seeds seized end up sold at some point. Pretty sure a dog could sniff out seeds though. Not because of the seed itself, but it came out of a marijuana bud and isn't washed or anything. Just my guess on that. Might be unlikely, but I'd guess possible. 

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