Does A Vaporizer Get You as High as Smoking it?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by MattyMan420, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Just bought a mflb a few days back and have been getting the hang out of... First few days I couldn't seem to get it right... I wasn't really getting all that high and noticed I was slightly burning the bud on the bottom of the trench, but last night I tried using it without the stem (native)and holy hell I got wrecked off a trench and half. Now that I think I finally got it down I definitly enjoy the vape high way more then smoking. Also a lot stealthier if that is important to you.
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  2. Definitely the MFLB has a bit of a learning curve also works much different then the one I suggested in the way it heats to vape the greens. I hear lots of good about it however.
  3. If you use a vape pen, take small shallow puffs. Inhale two times to push down the vapor in your system. I use the highest temperature setting to achieve a body-stone type of high. 
  4. It kind of depends on how you compare. 
    I think I can get equally as stoned either way. 
    But, with vapprizers I can get there a lot quicker.  3 hits of a vape, and I'm toast, where with a pipe I'd probably need like 10 hits to get there.  I think it's because with a vape you can take hauls that are just massive in comparison. Smoking you're inhibited by how much smoke you can handle before coughing.  Where with vapor, by the time you have enough to cough, you have inhalled a ton of thc vapor. 
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  5. After using my brothers herbalizer I've decided to ditch smoking besides a Jay as a treat. The advantages are huge for vaping.

    No wasted weed from burning = less bud needed
    Better quality, longer lasting high that is just as strong
    No coughing, and far less damage to your lungs
    Staircasing = choosing the high you want + making it last much longer
    Far less smell + no smoke = no stinky clothes

    After smoking weed for years and then trying vaping, I have to say there's no comparison. 10 out of 10 a vape will get you higher for less weed. You'll make back what you spend on a vape pretty quickly and save your lungs.
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  6. so smoking is a treat to you ?
  7. Honestly it is, the amount of wasted weed from a jay is amazing. I could fill 2.5 bowls in a herbalizer with the same amount I put in a jay and I'll get higher off the vape. The only reason I'll be smoking once I get my herbalizer will be because I like the act of rolling and smoking a jay.
  8. After vaping exclusively for a couple weeks joints taste like shit. Just a warning I guess lol
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    For me, once I made the switch to vapor, I could never go back to smoking.   I tried a few times but it smelled an tasted like I was sucking on an old used ash tray.   Blech.......
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  10. #31 hitops, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2015
    I'll second that I really dislike smoking now taste just like a ashtray. This may not be the case if you smoke cigarettes but vape herb. I vape both herb and nicotine e juice proud to say now the e juice has no nicotine in it just do it for flavour.  Never thought I would say this but I can smell a herb smoker or a cigarette smoker from 10 yards now even if not smoking at the time. No pun intended just never thought I would be that guy you know that says I can smell it... 
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  11. Lol I get pretty high from vaping it just hits me like truck. After I vape I'm setting here and I'm like nothing happend the BOOM! I'm high AF!
  12. Usually yes, vaping will get you are cleaner high without the ash and carbon that is associated with combusting the herb. 
    Of course, it also depends on the strain of herb you use and the amount of THC in the strain. 
    Try it and get back with us! [​IMG]
  13. you vaporize with a vaporizer. I don't see how it's so hard to say that ?
  14. I get higher from vaping.
  15. This is ancient but i just had to laugh at the people who insist vapes don't get you high. I get f'ing WRECKED when i use my hotbox. You inhale deeper for longer, iv'e been smoking for 20 years and i can tell you right now, if you ain't getting high you're vaping schwag. I get twice as baked when i vape.
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  16. My volcano puts me on my ass faster and keeps me there longer lol but that's my opinion!
  17. Far far far higher than smoking, and as someone said above, after a while smoking tastes like sh**. For me this happened after few days of NO smoking, can't smoke a J now.
    It's nice the way you control your highness just playing with the temperature. And gets you baked with just half of the bud you go through smoking, so fair investment.
    I'm kind of new to this world and already love it.
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  18. ok the real scoop bought the best a mighty and smoke on the shit have ripped off hardcore OG paris OG KING LOUIE13og and spacewalker I buy 1/2 oz of this shit everyweek then i vape it all in a week.Now when i do I get high but the high is not a stone PERIOD DONT listen to any fucker who says other wise.I smoke like a train before i vaped and when i vape i still rip like a train.Dont know if i got a high tolerance but when you vape the HIGH does not last that long.When you vape of the MIGHTY the first draws are 20 seconds for me at 365 to absorb the most CBNs out of the weed CBN are the couchlock molecules which is the best CBD dont have any PSYCHOACTIVE THC elements in in so when these fuckers at the collective claim its light out has no CBN all CBD your getting your DICK pulled READ up on it and you'll see.

    Anyways I go for a complete knock out stone the kind of stone where people at store are like are you retarded slurred speech etc.

    VAPES will not do that PERIOD.

    ANYbody who CLAIM is FUCKING LIAR.

    The people who vape CLAIM that the high is so clear you dont know your high.

    Im like yeah right BULL shit

    I want to smoke get high vape what ever so I can thi9nk im not high but really.

    Who thought that was cool shit cause i dont

    people who drink beers drink to get fucked up people who do heroin do it to get fucked up people who do coke do it to get fucked up people who smoke out of a bong instead of a 2 dollar liquor store pipe is because they WAANT TO GET FFFUUUUUCCKED UP..

    So anybody who says they do not like to get fucked up off weed is just a


    Really I want to go to the collective buy 100 dollar gram hardcore OG wax becuase i dont want to get fucked up Ok then why would a specific wax offer more THC than another and why would a stoner want the 97% THC wax over the 35% THC wax.


    Your a fool thinking you can go to work and real work and get paid 35 dollars an hour doing speciality shit wrong.

    you smoke good shit your on your ass smiling doing nothing.

    So all these fuckers are using vapes acting like they are high but have not really been super high.Im talking taking super rips and dabs UNTIL YOOU THROW UP now that is getting fucked up.

    after you throw up the high is clean clear and stoney.

    most of these fuckers using vaps never pushed it that hard just regular smoking.

    They smoke a few bowls smoke some friends take a few hit off the dab and say IM GOOD.

    Thats a PUSSY HIGH.

    So all you people who are think bout getting a vape think bout this you get a buzz when your smoking to the point where you dont want to smoke cause the buzz is coming on fast when you vaporize.The eyes get flurry cant see but once you stop vaping all that which is just mentioned and did not exaggerate will go away immediately.

    Im no dr or scientist .Im just telling you the real TALK bout vapors bongs and getting high..

    Apparently when you smoke a bong there is scinetific CLAIMS thst that smoke has 88% elements in the smoke with zero THC the rest has some THC when it gets MIXED with CARBON DIOXIDE and smoke the molecule hits the BLOOD stream and this is where you get the instant damn it just HIT ME EFFECT but whats funny it last sort of long depending on the thc content of the bud.

    When you vaporize the claims is that it has a creeper effect.

    Yes it does butit is that of lets say your a master RIPPER and first high of the day your friend lets you rip off a joint cause your not at home with your stash.That buzz sort of you get cause you got a high tolerance is the exact feeling you get after VAPORIZING for and HOUR.ive done it many times and its the same all the time.

    Unless im doing it wrong

    I pack the dose capsule with say .3 of dank fine grind
    warm up the MIGHTY with no dose capsule in the chamber yet so there is no waste during the heat up.once temp is hit I drop the does capsule in at this point the temp is set at 377 take 2 25 sec pulls

    then blow out lemon flavor i then turn up the MIGHTY to 393f and take another 3 strong pulls.after that the weed is toast done.I do the session 3 time just over 1.2 grams of super dank 32% THC.

    No what.

    I barley get high.

    i got my mighty for 400 ship with warranty and insurance so its quality and ive done tons of research.

    Maybe this whole vape thing is like the weed in colorado where it all legal and supposedly the weed is the highest quality but no shops sell the shit to fuck you up it all play weed nobody in the shops have red eyes they all have high cbd.

    you guys tell me

    tell me what im doing wrong wrong temps

    not enough THC

    need to smoke 5 cannister dosing pills instead of 3-4

    im at the point and i hope it does not happen to you where im just ready to throw all the shit in the trash.I cant seem to get high ive been to the best collective in souther california that supposedly sells the best shit with lab testing but all the lab testing weed has high CBD and if you knw anything a high cbd content KILSS THE THC content.

    it like drinking a beer then doing a line of speed meth it cancels the shit out
  19. I have an Arizer Solo. I love it. Vaping gives me a clearer high, and no waste!

    Plus, i make potent edibles with my avb.

    Win win

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