marijuana paranoia conspiracy

Discussion in 'General' started by thorarkin, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. the other day i realized the paranoia associated with marijuana use very well could be a whole conspiracy in itself. we all know about the paranoia of getting caught. and at the surface thats all it is, fear of getting caght, but it gets deeper. once you realize marijuana isnt the demon its made out to be you start to open your mind about other lies youve been fed, especially from authorities. often times this leads to studying conspiracy theories which if that doesnt give you paranoia by itself, the anxiety about cops(authority) is likely to be a familiar feeling, so it gets transferred to anxiety towards government(authority).
    but oh the conspiracy gets deeper, put in the media how conspiracy theorists are complete whackjobs and nobody will believe them. which conspiracy theorists are often stoners or use other drugs. along with the other media stereotype of stoners being dumb it sums up to be raving lunatic hillbillies.
    so with one little law marijuana becomes a demon and anybody who uses it can be dicredited even if its an irrelevant argument cus you must be crazy, thus very effectively hiding any true conspiracy from the general public.


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