How much weed does your vape save you?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by sfgiants2012, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. I've only had a vape about a day but I'll tell ya Its going to save used to be able to have 2 or sometimes 3 big bong rips to get high and now I put about 1 bowl in and it gives off so many hoots you can get wrecked could almost have 2 sesh off the one if you really needed
  2. thank you. Looking for trustworthy stores to check prices for my vaporizer.
  3. Saves you more than you can imagine , really gets you more bang for your buck. I like vamping but love my pipe too, both are much better for conserving herb than joints.
  4. I've got a Crafty and I use it probably 75% of the time and the other 25% is with my trusty spoon pipe. I grind about .3 grams at a time and I load the chamber half full. The .3 grams will get me about 4, maybe 5, sessions.

    Very little smell, stealthy design, uses very little herb, and a great high. I can't say enough good things about the Crafty.
  5. I have had my Airizer Air for over a week. Wow I wish I had found this sooner. Excellent vaporizer for herb/flowers. Huge savings in buying plus can use vaped flowers in edibles!
  6. Don't forget to save your vaporized material for killer canna butter.
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  7. What is more efficient, canna butter or green dragon?

  8. I completely agree. Love my mighty. Tip that you already probably know is if you are using it only packed 1/2 way put a liquid pad on top of the herb. Much better vapor production.
  9. #29 Madeenz, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2016
    My bf and I vape nightly and we use an oz in about 5 weeks. It's efficient as hell

    I thought my Pax was efficient. I bought an Arizer Extreme Q in November, since I vape at home 90% of the time.

    Come to think of it, I don't even know where my Pax is
  10. #30 From Elsewhere, Feb 11, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2016
    Before I graduated to vaping, I used to roll PJs. (Personal joints.) They'd be pretty modest in size, and would normally last me 2 sessions, with the 2nd session being really harsh and shitty. Then, when I first started vaping, a full chamber packing (which is probably even a little less) would last me like.. 3 sessions. Yeah, yeah. I was a noob back then. That's not exactly the case, anymore. Either way, suffice it to say that it significantly stretched my supply.

  11. A lot! A couple grams last me a couple of weeks with my MFLB.

  12. This is a great post, because the truth is it really depends on the vaporizer. Some are more efficient than others. Obviously your weed matters too.

    I tend to use log vapes (E-Nano and Underdog) most often nowadays, and have for over a year now. They cut my consumption from smoking more than in half. Sometimes to about a third of what I used to smoke (if the weed is potent).

    i.e. I used to smoke an oz every 3-4 weeks. Now an oz will last me anywhere from 2 to 4 months.

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  13. I'm selling a Crafty by Storz and Bickel if anyone is interested. It has very few hours of use and it's in perfect condition. Just turned out that vaping isn't really my style. Message for details

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  14. what the heck chill bro that's a fuckton of weed
    are you always meditated or something?
  15. This is looking at wrong end of telescope. It isn't about "How much can device save me?" but rather 'How well does device permit, conserve, medicate me discreetly? '
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  16. I've found that I save roughly 60- 70% with my Herbalizer over what I was using for smoking. I used to go through a full ounce a month. Now a half ounce will get me through a month plus a week or two.

    It's also worth mentioning that the Herbalizer gets me far higher and the high lasts longer than smoking.

    Smoking is wasteful because it burns a large portion of the good stuff that you want and only vapourizes what doesn't get burned. A vapourizer converts most if not all of the compounds in the weed into vapour wasting nothing.

    Don't forget that ABV still has some goodies in it that can be reclaimed.

    My herbie has paid for itself in what I've saved over the last two years.
  17. I get to use my weed 3 times with the vape by vaping bowls (duh), using the abv for topicals and edibles, and then cleaning the dirty stem by making a mug of hot chocolate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I save a lot using my MFLB, but the problem is it takes me much longer to get high! I save a lot of weed but waste a lot of time and effort. I'm very disappointed with the MFLB, I'll have to buy another vape and throw my MFLB out.
  19. I rarely load it more than 1/2, so I am very familiar with the liquid pad. I find that I get just as much of an effect from 1/2 as a full load, so it seems like a waste to load it all the way.
  20. Stick with it! It does take time - I get some amazing highs off mine.
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