Frightening quote by Obama...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by yurigadaisukida, Jul 8, 2013.

    "To hell with the Constitution and to hell with you crackers!"
    Source: people that I know that know people that know people who heard him say it.

  3.   . . . . . . . . . . . [​IMG] <-- Yuri
    The world -->
  4. The republicans wouldn't have shut up about this and they'd probably become all revolutionary in a heart beat.
  5. #45 Hello there!, Jul 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2013
  6. Gotta say this is one of the most lulzy topics on here that i've seen 
  7. i dont see anything to be butthurt over unless youre some uneducated redneck hillbilly blessing murica daily...
  8. That's just weed paranoia
    Like this guy? lol
  10. not the mental picture i had in mind.. butit seems about right looking at the window
  11. ^^ I'd be willing to bet that the Bush/Cheney sticker was photoshopped into the picture. Could be wrong though.  :confused_2:
  12. That stuff is funny, but even funnier when people think it's real.
    Easy to be fooled though especially when one is baked. :smoking:  :)
    Hilarious to see lots of blades having a pop at a simple misunderstanding by Yuri. If i was him i would be taking names and waiting for karma to kick in. :)
  14. Well, it's pretty funny when he posts a (false) quote that Obama supposedly said (all while failing to post source article), then criticizes others when they post articles stating it was a (false) rumor, goes on about "there were witnesses, they spoke out," "there are dozens of articles, this is mine," "well, given Obama's history, it's more than likely he did say it." When someone finally posts the article from which yuri got his quote, it literally says "POLITICAL SATIRE" at the bottom.
  15. I be getting out of politics for the most part then made this thread.


    My bad

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  16. + Rep
  17. [​IMG]
  18. Honestly, fuck politics. Nothin but stress and bullshit. simple as that..
  19. Wow OP you are a real smart one! Reminds me of when someone I know posted tons of anti illuminati stuff on Facebook with similar comments to what you said. That is, until somebody pointed out to him that the onion is a satirical publication. We all know Obama is an alien illuminati devil anyways

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