Do you ever feel like dying?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Chinajewelry, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. I gave it a very serious thought when the Feds took my house, bank account, everything. Then threw me in jail.

    I'm glad I didn't, because in the end it was just stuff. It's been replaced and I'm better off now.
  2. I usually dont want to be dead. But not alive either. Thats where vodla comes in
  3. Op, hell yah, I think about wanting to die everyday, well, almost everyday

    I don't think I can watch someone go through with suicide, I just can't

    I can think about dying, yeah I'll say I want to die but, but I don't think I actually would pull through

    And, I wouldn't want anyone around me actually doing it either

    I get paranoid when I stand by the train and see people stepping on the yellow lines and staring down at the tracks as if they're thinking about jumping, I just get paranoid and wanna make sure they see me looking lol like, I WILL stop you from doing that...

    Nah but it's a scary thing to see someone do and I feel like sometimes people can pull through with suicide because there isn't someone beside them asking them to think twice
  4. ^ I think the reason people go through with it is because they're in pain. Most people that follow through with it probably wouldn't change their mind if someone told them not to. That's why most don't tell anyone they just do it.

    It's not my place to tell a person they need to suffer more unneccessarily just because i'd like them to be around. It's a person's own life and they can do what they see fit with it and i have to respect that. It may sadden me and i may not agree but i must respect it, it's only fair.
  5. I just got back from a senior trip 5 mins ago and we had to ride the yellow busses from Memphis to Atlanta! With me being 6'3, my legs we're piercing the back of the seat and now my knees, ass, and back hurt like hell! But, luckily I toked at Six Flags, but the medicine ran out about four hours ago and i'm so tired.
  6. yeah sometimes i'm chilling right and I say to myself "hey I really crave a good death right now". like dying would suddenly just totally tickle my fancy you know right?
  7. Serious discussion between people in pain, why in the FUCK would you say something idiotic like that? I see I've answered my own question.

    It's not every day but some days it's worse then others. Just physically being outside and getting blood moving helps me. I've been in bad places and am an excellent listener if anyone wants to talk.
  8. Only every day, but I get over it.
  9. theres this bridge near my house, with a road under it, like 100 feet down, i drive over it all the time, but im careful when i walk over it because for the last year or so, when i get to the middle and look down, i start thinking weird, and feel like im being pulled off.... like i stare at the road below and just think, 15 seconds and i could have the answers, AND REALLY WANNA JUMP.??? wtf
  10. #50 UniqueGrass, May 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2013

    Yes, and I hate those voices. It's like a different part of me coming out, which can sometime solve problems differently and effectively.

    BTW - Is this normal or schizo?

    Edit: When I'm really happy, I wouldn't mind dying right then and there, it just seems appropriate compared to dying depressed or upset.
  11. My advice: aim to stop taking anti-depressants permanently (as for all chemical drugs)

    Make sure that EVERY time you go to sleep, you wake up by your own intent, rather than an alarm clock or someone cutting you off short.

    Aim to be close with social reality: being in solitude is not going to help you if your goal is to reach out of depression
  12. You're not schizo or you would have auditory and visual hallucinations that's the hallmark.

    I have to disagree so hard. Anti psychotics and other medications saved my life and are the only reason i'm still alive. Yes i'd like to get off them eventually but medication can turn someones life around. It's bad advice telling sick people to not listen to doctors.

    Although i agree with anti depressants such as ssri's they almost killed me.

    edit: also telling someone to stop taking medications can have disasterous effects if you don't ween off them and actually could cause a psychotic episode and they may kill themselves. You wanna feel responsible for that?
  13. One of my best friends has schizophrenia and has never experienced hallucinations.

    Also, you just said that anti-psychotics helped you then go on to say that SSRI's are bad. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean they can't help other people.
  14. In general i've seen SSRI's cause more problems than the solve but for some people they work just fine. I just tell people be careful.

    Does your friend hear voices in their head that aren't their own? i was tested extensively for shcizophrenia and i didn't qualify since my hallucinations were my own thoughts rather than invasive thoughts coming from another voice I was diagnosed with bi polar type 1 psychotic tendencies and shizoeffective disorder.
  15. I said aim to stop, not stop immediately. You are heavily implying otherwise

    or do you think that it's in your best health to continue medication forever? Most people are going to have negative results for continuous use. Years ago I took medications (prozac/adhd amphetimines) and they helped me immediately, but in the long run It spiraled me into a depression i've never experienced before, and continued that way until I was off them. You're an adult, you should know better than anyone including your doctor when you're physically capable of coming off meds
  16. there are many types of schizophrenia. and many forms of depression and other disorders.

    many have symtoms of eachother, but never can be both at once.

    i think most of the people in this thread are just really high the majority of the time and have no disorder what so ever. this is just an assumption though. haahahaha
  17. Well then i misread your post sorry. Yes these medications aren't meant to fix you forever they are tools you use on your journey towards a functional life. They can't cure you but they can help enough that it gives you the time and clarity of head to work towards becoming better and not needing the medication. I was just saying everyone's body is different for some people a drug may save their life sometimes it will take that life. You can't write off all psychiatric pharma as a bad or shameful thing because it isn't.

    To sum it up it took me 2 years to find the right medications and went through alot of hell with side effects. It's pain n gain. Once you do find what works for you the whole world is a different place a better one. It's like opening your eyes for the first time. Sick ppl don't know they are sick and believe there actions are right and warranted no matter how wrong that is. Now the first step to over coming that is to become self aware of what the diseases does to you and what effects it has and then you can start actively fight against the negative symptoms and realize that it's not your fault you feel that way it's an illness that causes the thoughts and actions not you. That's the hardest part
  18. Only once the drugs are gone... I feel like dying
  19. Right now I don't feel like dying,but would not care if I did. My cousin was just found dead on a train apparently he over dosed on heroin. I feel like all of this is my fault. Less then 2 years ago he told me some fucked up shit that happened in the family and how he started to pop some pills to cope with it.For some reason after the day he told me that we didn't see each other much. He did try and contact me many times thought, I guess I was just too busy or whatever but I never returned his call or anything.My grandma would tell me hey your cousin keeps asking about you and still I didn't make an effort to see him. The last time I saw him he actually just showed up at my job because he said he wanted to chill.That was back in 2011. I'm guessin all of 2012 he was going hard with heroin and I had no Idea. He even got arrested a couple times for burglary and theft. If I would have just once picked up the phone and called him or just seen him I would of known he was on this.I know I could of helped him. He was basically crying out for my help and I did nothing. Sorry for the rant.

    R.I.P. Brian
    5/16/90 -5/9/13
  20. I always feel like disappearing for a while... to the wild or sail to an island... and get some me time and stop thinking about everything that matters. Sometimes I will skip class and just drive for long periods of time on the highway to the beach. That ocean smell and the wind fucking up my hair but not having to care about it.. Thats the shit I love.

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