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Any way to extract keif from grinder?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by SolidBud, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Yeah it's safe. Just let all the ISO evaporate.

  2. Really? I have a 3 piece grinder, and I want to clean the top two because there is a LOT of kief on the sides and on the filter. How would I manage that?
  3. Full up the grinder with some ISO, close it, and shake like crazy for a couple minutes. Have a plate nearby, open the grinder and pour the ISO on the plate, sit it somewhere for about 24 hours. I prefer to have an oscillating fan on it as well. Then scrape the plate with a razor and there's your stuff.

  4. I couldn't really close it because then that would mean the bottom piece would be involved, and I don't want to touch that yet.

  5. Why? If there's kief you dont want to fuck with in there, get a small glass jar. Baby food jars work good, obviously clean, and put your kief in there. Nothing besides glass though, it will stick to other things. Hard plastic might work but I'm not sure.
  6. just tap the grinder with a heavy object to loosen it all or if it's really stuck run a sharp object around the clumps then do it it gets pretty much all the kief out quick...
  7. People do not realize that if they have anything as concentrated as 99% it will instantly gets reduced below that point because it mixes with air when you open the bottle. 90%+ is as good as it's gonna get :)
  8. Isopropanol alcohol will absorb most cannabinoids in your grinder, shake it up real good and collect the alcohol in a easy to scrape, heat-resistant container. Now go turn on your stove and put a pot of water on it. When the water is simmering, put the iso-container on top of the pot to heat up the alcohol (Don't forget ventilation and NO OPEN FLAMES). When the alcohol has evaporated you you're left with a container filled with what people call iso-hash. Use something stiff and sharp to scrape off the hash. If it's completely rid of alcohol it's ready for smoking.
  9. Thanks everybody! will purchase some ISO soon
  10. i have used bacardi 151 for this. lol but iso is the way to go deff. i make grinder hash all ze time.

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