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weed is the gateway drug?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by El Chapo, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Marijuana is not a gateway, screwdrivers are not burglary tools, hammers are not weapons... until a person uses them in that manner.
  2. there is no chemical in weed that makes you use other drugs....

    it's up to the person what drugs they do.
  3. yeah man it was a gateway for me because i liked to be high so when i wasnt i was doing all kind of crazy shit but it is a gateway drug big whoop you can control if you let it gateway by not trying other shit
  4. #24 Staralfur, Feb 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2013
    The gateway theory is one of the stupidest arguments against marijuana, and if anything, shows how little the government has to go on when taking about the downsides of weed. They don't talk about it's health issues (because there aren't any), or it's addictiveness (because it isn't addictive), so they have to clutch at straws like the gateway theory.

    There is no chemical in MJ which pushes one to another drug. Therefore the onus is entirely on the individual's desire (or cultural or social pressure) for further drugs. If you are interested in fucking with your mind, and not bothered by the consequences, then alcohol is likely to be the original gateway drug anyway. If anything, it is more justified to call alcohol the gateway drug.

    Because MJ is illegal, most people have to go through an illegal dealer to get their hands on weed. These dealers don't make huge sums from MJ, but they do from cocaine, speed etc. So when you buy MJ, the dealer may ask if you want to try something a bit stronger. In this respect, the only reason MJ is a gateway is to do with it's criminalisation. If it was legal, you (or a friend who is buying for you as well) wouldn't be talking to someone who also deals coke just to get your hands on MJ. You could also bypass this entirely by growing your own weed.

    For the record, I smoked marijuana for the first time 10 years ago. For 2 years now I have been smoking daily. I could get hold of pretty much any drug except heroine. The only other drugs I have ever tried are: multiple prescription drugs, caffeine, alcohol & nicotine (only in conjunction with alcohol).
  5. Weed is deninetly a gate way drug, i dont do hard drugs but ive tried them. Im almost 100% sure if i didnt smoke weed i wouldnt have tried them.
  6. well man idk what to tell you but your not all that right marijuana is addictive because it is psycoactive but whatevs and your right every single persons dealer has stronger shit and asks his customer to try it and they do and they get addicted tats ow it happens
  7. Lol addictiveness and gateway drug r 2 different things.
  8. Is that due to the legality of weed or because weed make you want to try something else?
    Did you try alcohol or weed first?
  9. cap'n obvious over here lol jk:wave:
  10. Yeah the only reason it leads to harder drugs is because many of our drug drealers are pushing other drugs.

    Get rid of cannabis prohibition and you reduce any gateway concept.
  11. Processed sugar is the real drug in my opinion. Stuff releases neurotransmitters like crazy.
  12. Too true, my man.

    If anyone wants to know what addiction feels like, enter ketosis.
  13. Stop feeding lies to OP. He's obviously looking for real advice. It's a gateway
  14. You really are the Harbinger of Doom.

  15. Not "Every single person's dealer" has harder drugs than weed. That's not even close to true.

    First off, in a middle or high school environment where a lot of people start, the vast majority of dealers are kids who buy like 1/4s and 1/2s off of actual dealers and scalp skimpy dubs to kids in the halls.

    Secondly, I know a few dealers who only deal weed, and there's a good amount of them as compared to those who deal anything.

    Finally and most importantly, I've never had a dealer offer me something harder than weed cause I bought bud off him. Even when I know for a fact he sells harder drugs or even sells those as his main product.
  16. I dont drink alcohol. When ive done harder drugs i never bought it was always offered through friends ive met b/c of weed. Im lucky i don't have an addicting personality cause some of those guys r lost.
  17. It can be if you let it. But I think that prohibition makes it worse. When we kids try weed after hearing so much Reefer Madness-style hype about how dangerous it is and realize that it's not harmful, some of us think that maybe D.A.R.E. was wrong about harder stuff too.
  18. Weed aint no gateway drug man. Thats just an excuss that people who are druggys deep down at heart use to justify their addiction to get mashed up on drugs. Thays not why weed should used at all
  19. Ok guys if you havnt figured out OP is a troll then nows the time to tell ya:

    OP's a troll...
  20. me but I was 14 and it was the first thing I did

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