Short plants = fast harvest...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by GYMRATjoos, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. no bugs and eggs from soil, doesnt stink, plants grow faster, handsdown.....soil provides a resistance to roots thats unneeded and the medium compacts each time ya water

    Bad information buddy. My soil definetly doesn't stink, absolutely grows plants as fast, or perhaps faster than yours, doesn't compact and provides a higher quality end product than salt based chemical nutrients and costs about a hundredth of the cost of bottled


    Have a Grateful Day. Happy gardening!

  2. @jerry if you use soil SOG how do you go about filling tray watering...? How many plants? Do you re use your soil? Can you re use soil? What nutes you use then? What are your results? Strain, wattage, system? I'm going to mass produce a lot so need a good system to do it and more harvests in shorter time. I just want to do it right the first time. Learning that the hard way.. That's why I'm asking you for advice....

  3. This. Just do a regular soil grow, you'll do just as well without all this complcated thinking about what will get you a decent harvest on a monthly basis...You could still yield monthly just have a 4 week veg room, a 4 week flower room, and another 4 week flower room using 8 week strains. You'll yield from the second flower room perpetually every month after the initial three months of starting the cycle. Bam, done.

    And who said soil grows weren't indoor? You ever done anything but hydro? Lol.
  4. I have done it with soil actually, and wanted to do it with hydro since I see the buds come quicker and are more resinted with hydro. Want to re use stuff if I can but also want to do this Long
  5. Easy system = veg out mother till it has like 52 clone sites, take all the clones once rooted and place them into 1 gallon pots and flower them. then put 2 more clones back in the veg for more mother plants...
    if the plant veg's slower than it takes to bud just add more mothers,
  6. If u go hydro the simpliest is a bucket that is under current or recirculating and/or trays. Buckets i like cuz of simplicity, but if you loeave the water stagnent you are gonna get bugs eventually. Now trays are nice i even have a tray and grow in coco and can fit about 6 plants in each 3by6 tray and two trays to one light makes my life alot simpler. For you get a 4x4 tray or 3x3 so u have some room to move. korns/clay pellets get all over the place and are just to much really for me so i would say use slabs or grow blocks with slabs. use the grow block for early life and transplant the slabs in the tray when you are in the last few weeks so u get a nice root system into those slabs. now for your yeild and plant count that depends soley on you. I mean you have to take care of your plants when they need you and if you neglect them they can get you back. keep it within your means. Plant count and yeild arent even related but ppl get it confused, look you can get the same yeild in a 4x4 by growing 1 plant or growing 99 plants just dont over work yourself for no reason when the outcome will result in the same effect and maybe ur quality will be hindered in the massing technique.1gram a watt on average. hope this helps pal
  7. Do you keep your mothers in soil?
  8. wow jerry, "absolutely bad information" ???? it's my experience that i spoke of, not yours. I dont know you jerry. I was trying to share, and you appear bigoted. I see you have 5k posts, so you are active. However, to demean others, offends some audiences, which in turn makes your post "absolutely worthless". You offered nothing but your opinion. No solution or useful example accept your claims. Thats ok, best wishes to you anyway.

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