when to take clones off Mother Plant grown from fem seed

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by soundscience4.0, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Hello I have reserva privada Sour Kush and getting to the size where I think I can start taking clones( almost 1.5 months old from fem seed). I am still in veg, should I take cuts know, or sould I put in flower and take the cuts with in the first week or two? I am not sure since the plant is from a femenized seed if it matters when to take the clones. I found a lot of info on when to take clones but couldnt find a specific answer on when to off a mother plant that was grow from femenized seeds. Any info would be great PEACE!!!!
  2. I like to top my seedlings throughout their entire vegetive stage. As soon as the plant has grown 4 or 6 sets of adult canopy leaves, you can top it - no problem - it will grow two more tops, let them grow a little more (5 or 6 nodes long) and then cut them also. This way you get lots of clones very early and really bushy plants. Hope this helps you sir.


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