games you can make money off

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Piff91, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. How do you make money off of Realm of the Mad God?  Played this for a little while.

  2. Runescape used to be so good for making cash, the games total shit now. WoW is also a very good source of income, I used to just jewelcraft all day and make like minimum wage haha. Runescape private servers are also good.

    Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 2

  3. I use to make a stupid amount of $$ off runescape without even playing. At first i botted my account i used for pking / staking but the started botting new accounts from scratch and doing 1 skill at a time till 99, made a total of 3 accounts and 2 i sold for over 1000$ each and the other one i use for pking and staking and i loved to mage stake and ended up gaining so much had a few party hats a couple other rares and never had less than 800m coins. Bought all the pking gear / magic runes / range gear / pots / food i would ever need. Sold the phats for quite a bit sold em all for over 650$ each n other rares for a hundy - couple hundy. Still have this acc and still have 800m+ but now can never stake again on it. Fuck EoC! And i dont wana restart from nothing in 07 scape but botting = tons of cash for rs
  4. Well, i'd say the two games that you can make the most money at right now have to be Starcraft 2 and League of Legends.
    The recently concluded LoL Summoners Cup Grand Finals had a prize of $1 million. Now granted the guys who won it belong to a pro-team and the cash was split up, but still thats a huge chunk of change.
    The better SC2 pro's can also make tens of thousands off tournaments, plus sponsorships and the like.
    Now granted you have to be unbelievably good to make this kind of money, but hey people do it.
  5. There's this new game coming out only for PS4 and Xbox One next year that you can make all kinds of cash. I hear you can pull in like $500 every two weeks. It's called "get a job 3" I don't remember ever hearing about the 2 previous versions.. funny that. 
  6. Pretty sure the first two were marketed as Mom & Dad. :smoke:
  7. Fixed the link so they may check without your getting the referral.
    Self-promotional external links are generally frowned upon, especially when there is no disclosure that you will personally benefit. :rolleyes:
    From their documentation page - Recommend your referral link to everybody and earn commissions of MarketGlory
  8. lol. Reminds me of back in the days before I got a job where I would do surveys and shit like that to try and make a few... pennies

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