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Myoclonic jerks

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by freshlyGreen, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Hi,

    I'm currently on Mirtazapine and Clonazepam.
    Mirtazapine is to help me sleep and Clonazepam because it has anti-convulsive properties and I maybe have a low seizure threshold or so because I had juvenile epilepsy and because i tried some anti-depressives and all of them gave me myoclonic jerks at night (a kind of involuntary muscle movement).
    Anyway, at the moment everything is pretty much controlled, but last night I decided I wanted to some just a bit of cannabis and it actually exacerbated quite a lot those myoclonic jerks, which aparently seem to be a side effect of mirtazapine.

    I tried white widow, maybe it's not a good strain for my case.

    Anyone around here has had a similar experience? Anyone mixed mirtazapine and cannabis? Has someone of you experienced these involuntary movements of small groups of muscles after smoking?

    What would be a good strain both for sleep and for these nocturnal myoclonic jerks, if any? Maybe a strain for epilepsy?
  2. What ate you actually diagnosed with?
  3. I had no quality sleep so decided to engage in a treatment for sleep. I did a sleep study which revealed I was getting less than 2/3 of the deep sleep I should be getting. That was something that went on for years.
    So the diagnosis was severe maintenance insomnia with nocturnal myoclonic jerks.

    When I was a kid (12years old) I was diagnosed with epilepsy. It seems to have disappeared except for an ocasional seizure when I'm very high in fever but that is maybe normal.
    I was medication free from 14 to 27.
    I can't stop thinking everything is connected.
  4. well, until Granny chimes in I'd say to go with Kush's or any sort of indica.... but with a small google search here is what I dug up

    Good For Epilepsy | Medical Marijuana Strains

    that one is good for epilepsy... notice its a kush

    Good For Insomnia | Medical Marijuana Strains

    and that one is for insomnia... also a kush

    I'd try OG kush... its suppose to have the best medical properties of all kush brands and its crossed with lots of other plants for that very purpose...

    I dunno what state your in.. but if you can't get your hands on some purchased I'd recommend you try you hand at growing... this way you know what your smoking

    and just as a heads up, those twitches you said you have when you smoke I also got when prescribed and taking one or more of those med's you said your on... I was diagnosed Bipolar, I still don't understand why i was taking seizure meds but whatever... i've since stopped the meds, take tons and tons of Omega 3(thanks granny) and smoke a strain good for my problems.... my wife says if I stop the omega or the weed she's leaving me.... so im a firm believer in a good diet and quality smoke

    and like I said, granny is the definitive person you really need to speak too, but you have something to work on till she's in here

    good luck man, report back when you find a good connect
  5. They are giving me the Clonazepam for REM behavior disorder. I'm full time with the CPAP for OSA but still thrash around in my sleep. Sometimes that involved injury to my self or wife. Tried going off the Clonazepam shortly after going medical with the MJ but it was not pretty and the wife insists I continue with it for both of our safety at night.


  6. YEAH, i should have said, I didn't want OP to go off his meds... my illness does not hurt others or myself, unless i get too pissed off.... it was a educated decision because prescribed meds did not work

    please make a informed decision before going off meds... I went cold turkey and they said I could go suicidal... also not smart... but my dick quit working, so i made a choice... I sure you understand
  7. #7 Asthmatic, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2012
    I wasn't even thinking of that, I was just letting him know why they give the Clonazepam to me. :eek:
  8. well the key here is helping OP... I made a half statement... better safe than sorry
  9. Hi guys,

    Tihspeed thank you very much for sharing your story with me. Did your twitches go away ? After leaving the medication? Or after you started taking omega3 and found out the right strain. which strain is it?

    Asthmatic, I know in my case they started as side effect of the medication but after stopping it, they didn't go away. Then I went back on medication for my initial problem: insomnia, and got the twitches again so that time i was also put on clonazepam. Did you manage to help your REM disorder problem? What was exactly the problem you had?

    I live in Europe, we don't have medical marijuana here. But I'm close to the netherlands. Do you happen to know if they would have this strain (OG Kush) in coffeeshops?

    When I tried white widow it was amazing, i was so much more relaxed to sleep because i couldn't care less about the day-to-day problems. but then i had those horrible twitches..i'm just hoping it's a side effect of the medication and it will go away when i stop them.
  10. A myoclonic jerk is your body's reaction to it thinking it's dying. I some times get myoclonic jerks just as I'm about to fall a sleep, the body thinks its dying so it jerks to wake you up. I think any sedative not just MJ would increase this symptom.
  11. #11 Asthmatic, Jul 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2012
    I've not had the one med. you mentioned, don't know it at all. I just now the Clonazepam.

    REM behavior disorder is where you live out your dreams in the real world while still asleep. Waking up while having sex is kind of nice, waking up while fighting bad guys & monsters can hurt a lot. The first time I remember waking up in a fighting dream was about 1976 and the bad guy I was kicking in the nads was a cinder-block wall in the barracks I was living in at the time. I was bare footed and the foot still hurts. When I'm asleep there is no restraint I have full access to my Qi. The Clonazepam stops me from living out what I'm dreaming about and works a little better in the presence of the MMJ.

  12. So then I probably was doing that too. It was the tell my wife used to know when to get up and go sleep in the other room so she wouldn't get hurt by the nightmare that usually followed. MJ never helped that for me, my CPAP does though, it is just not 100%.

  13. i mean does it keep you from sleeping at all??
    maybe something shorter acting than clon. also.
  14. So let me get this strait, your taking an antidepressant "Mirtazapine" for sleep?

    Do you have trouble with depression too?

  15. I was taking it for depression and being bipolar....

    that's what I suffer from
  16. I have muscle spasms from a drug they guinea pigged me on as a child.
    Minor twitches, sometimes face, sometimes random muscles through out my body.
    I will tell you a few strains that help a lot more then others for me for this problem.
    Legends Ultimate Indica (Legend's seeds), BoggleGum (By BOG aka BushyOlderGrower), SoCo Master Kush (OGRaskal), Katsu Bubba Kush.
    I keep all of these around primarily for sleep and muscle spasms, all work wonders for me.
    Quality edibles also help in this area to from my experience.
    Then again, I am only speaking on what works for me.
    What works for me may not work for everyone else.
  17. They have said both about me too. Most of it got better once they started treating my OSA the rest got better when I got pain under control & got off the Asthma meds. & Narcolepsy drug, Provigil, it's just nasty. I was so over medicated......

    When I read what mirtazapine is I realized my shrink was trying to get me on that a few years ago. I told him NO & wont take most of the N.P. drugs because we don't get along well. For me facing and dealing with what ever has me depressed has always been the only treatment that works. Sleep Dr. had to talk long and hard to get me to take the Clonazepam but it keeps me from thrashing around in my sleep & doesn't leave me trying to shoot pool with a rope.

    Seen them both since starting the MMJ & they approve of the change it has made in my daily life.

  18. Hi Amex,

    Apparently I don't have those finger spasms anymore since I stopped all the medication I was taking. Maybe to some extent they were side effects.
    Anyway I haven't fully recovered yet. I have these strange spasms all over the body. they're like twitches in the muscles.
    I don't have at home any of the strains you referred. I'll be getting one of those in the next couple weeks and probably white i havne't tried them yet.

    Could you maybe describe me how are your muscle spasms like? do you identify with any of these?
    - crawling feeling under the skin
    - frequent spasms of small muscles or muscle groups
    - feeling like a needle pinching the leg/arm followed by a sudden involuntary movement of the leg/arm, like a reflex.

    or what did you mean by muscle spasms?
  19. Just wanted to let you know that I am recovered to the extent that the spasms dont bother me anymore.

    Things that seem to have helped:
    - Magnesium bysglicinate
    - White Widow Cannabis

    Things that seem not to help, and end upmaking symptoms worse:
    - Choco Haze seems to make me have skin crawling all over sometimes
    - L-Typtophan seems to make me have involuntarymovements during sleep.

    Overall I think the problem was started by an Anti Depressant, and Clonazepam worked for sometime but in the end was making things worse since when I stopped taking it I improved 80-95%.

    Anyway, this feedback stays here in case someone suffers the same I did.


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