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How bad is aluminum foil to smoke out of?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JAmadeus, Jun 29, 2012.

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  1. Did it make you dumb James? :wave:
  2. #22 So_savage420, Jun 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
    Discussion of other drugs not allowed.

  3. you dont actually inhale the tin foil because it takes more heat to burn it than weed so its not really dangerous
  4. Not healthy but won't kill you on occasion
  5. I notice a lot of people are saying that lighters aren't hot enough to melt or vaporize aluminum, but I'm pretty sure that's false. For instance, if you leave a cup of water out in the sun, it'll eventually evaporate away completely, even though the water will not reach boiling temperature at any time.

    This is because temperature is actually the measure of the average amount of energy in matter. So, you might not heat up aluminum foil enough for it to reach melting temperature, you will introduce enough energy for some of the matter to melt, and/or vaporize, and thus you will breathe in vaporized aluminum, or aluminum oxide more likely.

    If I'm wrong, please correct me. What I'm more worried about is how dangerous the fumes are, I'm already pretty sure that I must have inhaled something based on my limited knowledge of how vaporization works.
  6. I always feel like I had unprotected sex after hitting a bowl with a foil filter.

  7. MJ isnt that much more dangerous than organic materials....? I feel like a fucking idiot for saying this but, Opium is pretty dangerous and bad for your health and it's organic.

  8. Really fucking good and on top of the world?:cool: Because I won't even smoke out of foil...
  9. Few times won't kill ya, just don't make it a habbit.
  10. Yep haha, until the high ends and I realize the consequences; sending me into a downward spiral of staggering anxiety and regret lol
  11. great post

  12. [​IMG]
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