Can you smoke weed after wisdom teeth being pulled?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dannyscott, Apr 28, 2012.

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  1. Had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Doc told me no smoking for a week. But of course he meant cigarettes. Which is fine with me, but I didn't ask him about marijuana. What do y'all think same diff?

    I had all four taken out, and they were all impacted.
  2. It's not the smoke itself, its the act of suction (such as using a straw).

    You can dislodge the blood clot and cause dry socket. It KILLS. I had it from smoking after my wisdom teeth got taken out.

    The best thing to do would be make edibles, or possibly make some canna-milk and make a cup of tea/hot chocolate with it.

    If you do get dry socket, don't freak out. Go to Walgreens/CVS and get "Red Cross Tooth Ache Kit".. its only a couple bucks. There's small cotton balls in there that you dip into a numbing solution and put directly into the cavity where the tooth was.
  3. Damn, suction? So I would get dry sockets from just inhaling deep or drinking from straws?.... wtf. How long should I wait to smoke weed and what else causes dry sockets? My medication barely works and I chimpanzee cheeks. I some thc relief and I ain't ever done edibles before. Is there no way I can smoke without the suctioning?
  4. No man. You can smoke, just don't go hard at it. Don't suck real hard. I would say do a joint or something, not a bong. But yes like the last guy said you can get dry socket which sucks from what I hear but I never got it. One of my friends got it from smoking cigs instead of waiting a few days lol.
    I would say light inhales and you'll be fine. Be sure and keep your mouth wet, no matter how bad cotton mouth is. Good luck man.
  5. you can do anything you want to do, but every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Have fun with dry sockets if you do, I had them pretty painful. Some people learn the hard way (talking about myself IDIOT)
  6. I ended up vaporizing whenever I had my wisdom teeth taken out, through my nose to try and prevent the suction from having an adverse affect on my teeth. Nevertheless, I still managed to get a dry socket on one side of my mouth.

    If I have learned anything in my experience, its to never get dry sockets again whatever the cost, even if that means stopping smoking for a few days and eating edibles or something. That is the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced to date...its so intense its like its not even a physical pain at all, its almost like its inside your head.

  7. Don't listen to this guy. You need to wait atleast 2 weeks before smoking again. Getting dry socket is not worth the risk.
  8. #8 Dannyscott, Apr 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2012
    Yea I was thinking of inhaling through my nose, I broke my bong's male piece so that renders it unusable. But could I just take a GB through my nose?... Or maybe rig my bong up with something and take that through the nose... I don't know if that will work or not... So to the poster above me, even little teeny tiny light puffs will dry socket me?...

    But back to the gb again, which you push down on and the smoke comes up, which I guess kinda does the suction for you all you have to do is breath in. Or would that still be to much? or hold off on that...
  9. The truth is, nobody really knows what causes dry socket. Many people follow the instructions and still get it.

    I smoked like crazy, not cigarettes though.

    It helps a lot with the pain.
  10. How about a forum search - this thread has been asked and answered LITERALLY hundreds of times.
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