I found some 10mg Zolpidem Sleeping Pills in my medicine cabinet and I've heard you can trip on them. I was looking for some advice on this and what it is like. zolpidem (Ambien, Zolpimist) sleeping pill - drug class, medical uses, medication side effects, and drug interactions by MedicineNet.com Thanks.
my dad has zolpidem tartrate... he is fucking looney when he is using them.. it pisses me off... he acts drunk and drowsy and acts like an idiot... he once went on about me being a bad kid cause i stone.... then another time i was trying to do some homework and he kept asking me questions and made me uncomfortable... all of a sudden he's my best friend, but when he isn't on the shit he's a fucking dictator...
So you wouldn't advise it? I'd probably only do this once or twice. Probably one time now by myself then next weekend with my friend if I like it, but how many do I have to take?
lol take that shit... sorry i didnt answer your question in my first post, but you will possibly make a fool of yourself, no offense...
Nom nom nom nom. It's such a fun trip for about 1-2 hours then you pass out and have the best night's sleep ever. Stronger OEV then shrooms fer' shure. I can't give dosage advice, but read my trip report and hopefully it can give you a good idea. http://forum.grasscity.com/pandoras-box/452282-ambien-30mg-trip-journal-unedited-raw.html I love sleeping pills. If I was prescribed them I would be addicted.
i have one 10mg with me right now, i might go and get another, tell me what gets you trippy.... i might not even take this shit... i'd rather find where my mom keeps her hydros... going to my grandma's house is always fun.. she has full vials of oxys and hydros and she doesnt use them... my grandpa definietely doesnt use them because he likes to drink and my grandma stopped taking painkillers... so she just has them 'incase' lel
Ok I think I might do just one 10mg pill because i do need a good nights sleep but you think i will be able to hold my shit because ill be right in the next room from my parents. 10mg shouldn't do much should it?
lol, do you have a webcam? i have one, but my toshiba is in the shop right now, so i'm posting off this really small ibook.... get on stickam and lets document this shit... i plan on dosing right after i get something to eat... i dont wanna make to much trips to the kitchen off balanced later... have fun...
Yeah I do but the thing is I don't want to wake my parents maybe another time when I'm in my actual room.
dont fear my friends....it is i the boogercruiser.... just poped an ambien just now and wow......it is a different kinda high,,,,,racing minds, fidgity limbs and digits (cause they are tired, right now the brain boss is partying). i get amp0lified shadows on the wall and was even afraid a shadow was gonna mug me. Heeaahhhahhahhha.....wow i dont normall post liike this i am juzt in dat zone i want to be in with the ambien but on a lighter side.....dont do it often cause it is addictive and will fuck u up its not cannabis or coe....so please dont drive or operate heavy machinery (The thing is bein under the influence of a misused RX while on work they'll let it slide for all except for the common pothead who smokes a joint at nights AFTER work and those weekend cokeheads who use friday and saturday to go skiing and nurse/regret their binge on sunday can get a positve result on a random monday...what the fuck
ok, well i'm going take the ambien now.... i need some tips on how to not fall asleep... will caffiene help?!?!? shit i ran out of no xplode and caffiene pills.... i got coca cola though...
what i realise is that there is a window with ambien when u fall asleep \once you cross that (for me its 20 mins for a pill --but remember everyone's different) the party in your mind takes place.......DL DIAMOND WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont lie down, try and do something engaging like video games , a small cup of coffee should suffice at first
FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU somehow i managed to get to my room to lay down.... i remember taking one and i snorted a bit that remained on the counter.... while i was taking a shower i was talking to the showerhead, i dunno if i legitimately was out of it or if it was placebo... then it sort of faded and i went and watched a movie for a little bit with my mom.... then i started scanning through tv, i can't remember what i watched, then i took another 10 mg and somehow i fell asleep... i can't remember much during the last 10 minutes or so... fuck ambien... i don't got time for its games... gonna get some shrooms soon....
More than 15mg is unnecessary and will just make you fall asleep. Ambien isn't the type of pill you take more of when it wears off.
i actually did take 15 mg, i thought i took 25... fuck i really don't know how much i took, all i know is i have half of a 10mg i'll just wait to trip on some real shit next weekend.... ambien gave me a good rest... i woke up early feeling good... and i went to bed at a late hour... it is definitely a good sleep aid, and i workout and eat well and i really can't get much better sleep with my lifestyle, but ambien did make my sleep somewhat better and i had some decent dreams...
Just like the trance song, "I can’t get no sleep". That is how I feel every night when I get home from work. I do customer service and after 8 hours of listening to idiots scream at me; I usually go home eat watch spike tv and try to go to bed. Well, that does not work to well. So I Tried G-Monster from narcomundo.com. I took one serving; and some time after I was out like a light. I really worked. G Monster - Buy Natural, Legal GHB Alternatives
not really tripping. just double vision and shit. and depending how much you take you might not remeber shit. which is why i dont like ambien all that much.