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Zippo vs Bic

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JORDANEast, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, I've been smoking for a little under a year. I have been wondering whether or not you guys hit pipes and bongs with Bic lighters or Zippos or other shit. I have been told you can't direct the flame as well with a Zippo, but I really can't tell much of a difference.
  2. I'd never use a Zippo with any smokeables, especially weed. The fuel in it leaves a nasty taste for some reason that doesn't seem to happen with butane lighters like Bics. Maybe it's just me, but I say Bic.
  3. i use bic. only because you can find them anywhere.
  4. FUCK the Zippo. shit only works for cigarettes.

    bic ftw
  5. Only use a Zippo if you have nothing else. The taste of lighter fluid isn't enjoyable. I'd rather repeatedly light matches than to use a Zippo lol.

    Bic > all
  6. I love Zippos for their novelty, but only ever light a rolled item with them, with pieces it would taste horrible.
  7. I've probably tried lighting pipes/bongs etc with pretty much EVERYTHING possible, while it is true that Zippos have a taste to them, I personally don't mind it that much, and as I'm told, the new fluid has less or no taste/odor to it, although bic butane gas is 100% tasteless.

    Happy Toking!
  8. Man when I use too much of my bic when ripping a popper, I notice the taste...
  9. I'm going to have to disagree with the 100% tasteless part. Hitting a bic compared to a hakko or even some hemp wick you can tell that there is definitely a taste associated with it.
  10. nuff said.

    Attached Files:

  11. it's all personal preference,
    you cant say one is better than the other because they are different things,
    try both and see which one you like,
    personally I prefer bics
  12. this.

    but still

    bic > matches > eating dog shit > zippo
  13. Hey guys, I'd thought I'd pass on a trick from tobacco pipe smokers. For those of you that don't know - and probly don't care : ) - a great deal of art and skill go into making a blend of pipe tobacco. Smokers wouldn't want to ruin this with a lighter that changes the taste, but most pipe smokers use Zippos. They have a trick up their sleeves. Light the zippo, count to eight, then put the flame to the smoking material. This eliminates the taste. You can even do this with cigars which are notorious for keeping the bad taste of lighter fuel. I use zippos all the time with my one hitter, as I'm often in a windy area and it works better. Try this tip out and tell me what you think.
  14. Of course you have to realize that everytime you wanna hit your pipe you're going to have to wait 8 seconds...not to mention you're going to have to count to 8 and who wants to do that when they're getting high? Nah man, just use a bic, take the advice. Am i right Am i right? Shit of course 'im right.
  15. I bought one of these off a friend, it's just like a regular zippo but uses butane. The insert will fit in a regular zippo too. If anything I like it better than a bic. Before I got arrested I was smoking a lot and if I was with other people my bic would be stolen within a few hours but no one has ever taken this, plus one $3 thing of fuel will last months.
    Vector KGM
  16. Both have their adbvantages. Bics are convienent, you dont have to worry too much about loosing them, and they work everytime. If i lost my zippo Id be pissed, which is why I never use it. Ill light blunts with a zippo, Idk about pipes never tried it. Zippos are good when your outside and winds blowin. Those are realiable for that.
  17. hahaha maybe a zippo for a blunt or j if nothing else was there but never out of a bong/pipe ugh fuck that lighter fluid fumes shit
  18. I look around my apartment and I see...bic's and one zippo...a red one.
  19. Neither, Cricket lighters are where it's at.
  20. Doesnt bic have those lighters that you just click in and it lights?

    "Clic my Bic" not "Flic my Bic"

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