Zig zags suck

Discussion in 'General' started by spudman78, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Terrible papers definitely prefer ezwiders
  2. yup. also taco bell sucks. i hate those sons of bitches
  3. I fucking hate ezwiders.
  4. Ezwiders 1/4 nice fat joints that burn forever.
  5. Zig zags slow burning 1 1/4th kick ass man.
  6. silver zig zags>
  7. RAWS > Everything
  8. Zig-Zags, yes..Zig-Zag Ultra-thins...different story.
  9. raws are so expensive though... welll where I live at least :rolleyes:
  10. Zig Zag all day fool.
  11. [quote name='"Dr. Dank"']Zig-Zags, yes..Zig-Zag Ultra-thins...different story.[/quote]

    This but the raw organic hemp papers over EVERYTHING.
  12. I put nuggets in my nostrils and set them on fire...... inhale.

  13. Pics or GTFO

  14. Can't keep the camera still from all the pain caused by 3rd degree burns.
  15. Papers suck.I just straight main line that kush in my eye balls.
  16. I melt it down and inject it into my anus.
  17. kut korners
  18. I've always wanted to stick a short slide in a chicks nose, light, and use her mouth as a mouthpiece.
  19. I use bugler just because you get 115 instead of 50 for less.

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