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Zig-Zag vs Ez-Wider

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bud420, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Ok so I have been smoking in my basement for like 2 weeks now and used ez-wider for most of it.

    I recently switched to Zig-zag slow burning. AND I have been caught 2-3 times using Zigs. It's crazy because the times I have been caught it was after only one zig zag with a gram in it.

    I have smoked like 5grams in ez-widers back to back in my basement and I was never caught, plus a blunt.

    My mom says she could smell it all the way up in her room which is 2 floors above me.

    I just wanted to know if you guys noticed Zigs smelled more than ez-widers?
  2. :rolleyes:.. nope there is no difference.. maybe different weed or something.. there is a myriad of other reasons that would influence that you have been caught with one rather than the other, but difference in paper means nothing.
  3. Same weed every time, same cover up method. The only difference was the papers
  4. i want a couple more answers becore I got to sleep plz
  5. ez widers are a lot easier to roll.. not trying to be punny its just the truth haha
  6. I guess you don't read posts? This thread has nothing to do with which one is easier to roll lol

  7. The paper itself probably does not smell worse your mom might have walked passed the basement door and smelled it though.
  8. ot trying to be punny its just the truth haha
  9. That is so wierd. I would think EZ widers smell more, just because there is more paper burning. Anyway get a bowl or something, it will smell much less.
  10. On this topic , it's my person optinion that wood pulp papers , especially those that are made for slow burning, tend to smoke up more and release more dank in the air , making it easier for that sweet smell to get to those around you and your room. To combat this you can try switching to a normal paper that's not slow burning or try switching to another type of paper, like hemp or rice paper , the latter being my preference. Another option when considering more longevity for your smokeables, you can look into a chillum or glass blunt. Both of which offer the same motions as a joint or blunt but prevent constant burning and constant smoke release. Those two factors I've found relate very most to the detection of smoke.

    Now on the topic of hiding, I've been hiding the chronic for about half a decade meow , and what I've found works absolutely best when hiding smell is bowls.

    Easily made/destroyed , easily hid under a bed or behind a nondescript object, easily capped to prevent the escaping smoke from stinking up the room, easily cleaned and easily the most effective way of consuming (get at me vape wads). A bowl is also very difficult to break when made properly, but more on those later.

    So a few tips and things you can use to more effectively hide The chronic.

    a damp towel - this is the sneaky stoners first line of defense. When You're planning to smoke get a towel, preferably one which you've recently dried off with with after a shower , and press it into the bottom frame of he door. Make sure it covers side to side and fits flush to prevent settled smoke from slipping under the radar (read: door) and anyone knowing. This personally has been a life saver and kept my room sealed even with my mother upstairs. This is also the most common and probably understood by most teenage smokers (I'm assuming you're a teenager at the time of writing this).

    •a fan - when you're smoking , its preferred to have something to blow that loose smoke away and out. Smoke sitting still settles and sets in on the stuff it lands on. Any carpeting or cloth with get a little smelly. Not enough to make a difference when being worn but a carpet with settled smoke on it will smell more. Vacuum often if you do have a carpet. Ceiling fans also work well for dispelling smoke but can prevent you from getting a proper light if the fan is on too high.

    open windows - depending on the room you smoke in , you may have a window at your disposal. It is almost always better to have a window open than closed. I've never once noticed or heard of someone notice smoke from a window and continue to call the cops because of this. But I have heard plenty of times someone's parents caught them smoking when they didn't have an open window. If you have no windows in your basement whatsoever the next entry may be your last resort for smoking indoors.

    a smoke filter - smoke filters can be made easily at home , or purchased for professional quality filtration. A simple homemade filter can be made with a cardboard toilet paper or paper towel roll filled with dryer sheets or a similar object , with a cover at one end made of plastic of tinfoil. Poke a small hole in this end layer to allow a small amount of air out but not all the smoke.
    Professionally made filters like The Sploofy, are also available online and in stores for a range of prices. These offer supreme protection and are typically made with actual HEPA filters tested to filter harmful chemicals and particles extremely effectively but also come at a price whereas a homemade one is "free". That choice is yours but a filter is definitely another life saver when hiding smoke.

    a pillow -this is something you might not think about all the time , but isn't it odd to hear someone coughing constantly when they aren't sick ? If you have baby lungs like myself , then you need something to cover that shit up. No one likes a loud coughed that might vomit but dammit I'm gonna get high. So grab something like a pillow or thick jacket to cough into. It isn't perfect but it will muffle that noise pretty well.

    A goddammed bowl - this is probably going to be the thing that saves your ass the most. Bowls can also be called pipes , chillum a which are a specific kind and steamrollers , another specific kind. A chillum is a straight tube typically with a filter at one end that resembles a crack pipe (if you can't tell I'm not a fan , but they work and they're cheap). A steam roller is similar but , at least in my experience the difference if a steamroller has the bowl on the top of the pipe and is larger to allow more smoke collection with a carb at the opposite end as the mouthpiece to completely steamroll you.
    Why not to get something else - A joint or a blunt are constantly burning , this means you're wasting the good stuff and letting a whole hell of a lot of it into the air. So when hiding some smoke for yourself or you and another, those are automatically disqualified. Wait for a party or when you're outside with some more people.
    Bongs are nice , but toll be loud , with a distinct sound , and tend to pull weed through into the water. Something I like, but not always a luxury one has. If you are typically on a budget or working with a little tree , then it's not you're best option for smoking. In my opinion again. A vaporizer is a nice alt , but those tend to kind of cook the weed ,vaporizing the THC but leaving you with some shitty brown weed. This is still smokeable so don't toss it yet. Save that for when you're really out and crush a bowl to the dome and you'll still get pretty stoned. Not a bad option but this method is by far the most expensive relatively. For a nice vaporizer you're looking at several hundred dollars compared to a 50 dollar bowl. Not that there aren't cheap vaporizers but for money:quality (as measured by the time the piece lasts and how effective it is at consuming the ganj) you're going to spend more on the vape almost every time.

    Why you should use a bowl and what to look for - A bowl , as I stated , will not burn constantly so right off the bat you're saving bud and keeping smoke in you and out of the air, although it is possible to cherry a bowl allowing you to continue hitting it but without dumping a house fire worth of smoke for your mom to smell. Bowls also allow for any and all weed inside them to be burned 100% completely converting your kush into smoke straight to the brain. Other forms either lose more weed by taking it into a place you can't burn it like in a bong or by burning it off through the smoking process.
    Now , there are a few things to look for when purchasing a bowl.
    --First and foremost look for something that fits right and sits right. When purchasing in a store ask to see the piece and try it out. See how it feels when in your hand and up against your lips. Look for where the carburetor, or hole on the side of the bowl to pull air through is to determine if it's supposed to be a left handed or right handed. See how the bowl pulls , or how much air it lets through, and if that feels right for you. More pull, more smoke. Place it on the counter and see how the bowl sits. Does it sit straight up , or is it lopsided? Is it too heavy or does it present a risk of easily getting knocked or falling over?
    --Secondly , acknowledge how much you smoke and how often you're out of bud and whether or not you're so sad you're going to smoke resin. This isn't something I have a problem with or even think is a bad thing , but a LOT of people like to think it's gross it dirty so choose based on your preferences. If you like smoking resin or find yourself out of bud often , consider a bowl with a large smooth inside area where the smoke collects as this will be where the resin collects the most. Look for something you'll easily be able to get a poke or scraper at. You want a fairly large gap between the bottom of the actual packing area and the smoke area to allow for optimal scrapeage. Look for a large carb as that will allow you to get in there better and take that dankness back. Look for something without a look of tight bends or curves as these make it harder to scrape. And finally look for something clear or mostly clear. Color changeing also typically works well , so you can see the resin left in the bowl.
    --Finally , the biggest threat to a bowl is the ground. It's the most common piece to break, but this can be combatted in a few ways. One, look for a thick bowl. My local Headdies uses a type of shock glass used or Pyrex and scientific glass and that is extremely resilient, but a few other keywords to look for are the Density and thickness of the glass , the Layers of the glass , and the type for glass. The Bowl should feel heavy but not look heavy. This will help when it hits (it'll get dropped or hit something, accept it early) and can mean the difference between a cracked or chipped bowl and a pile of glass and burnt weed in your pocket when you hit the ground. Ask the salesperson these questions and spend some time shopping around and finding the right one and you should walk out with a nice bowl that'll last a long time.
    Hope this helped out ! Good smoking

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