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Zig Zag Blunts Fall apart...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tabris, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I liked the idea that I could get blunts that were tobacco-less and pre cut. All you have to do is roll, lick, and burn. However everytime I get to the sealing stage they fall apart in pieces. I have tried very small amounts of saliva and still it is trash... I really need a tip because I would love to taste these things!

    P.S. I usually roll white owls or swishers..
  2. Wraps are nasty in my opinion. They smell like chemicals. Try roasting it with a lighter a little bit before you put the herb in. Obviously don't set it on fire but you got the idea.
  3. What is your recommended rolling method?
  4. I used zig zag blunt wraps all the time, like literally twice a day atleast and I havent had one rip. I have actually found that they are one of the "tougher" blunt wraps. as opposed to Royal Blunts, I rip those accidently all the time
  5. I got the same problem, my advice stick with swishers. I get a blunt roller if you wanna use wraps.
  6. usto use Zig zags, never had any problems.
    Swishers are def better imo.
  7. Swishers are where it's at
  8. i use zig zags once in a while and i have not had a problem yet with them :/

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