
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Search, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. Probably my first and biggest mistake,
    I'm erm.. Young..ish

    Ya now that thats over.. =P

    Not too big of a stoner at all, but I CAN say that I love the drug.. and just how interesting the effects are and such! =P

    I smoke on avg.. once a month?
    I just love to sit around and chill xD
    haha ya... thats me

    Edit: .. I repeated myself.. LOL

  2. How young are you?

    welcome to the city :wave:
  3. Eh, discussing it bothers me for one reason or another.. heh

    but yeh, thanks much for the welcome ^_^
  4. Well I'm only 19, so don't feel bad, as long as you're over 18 dude
  5. haha amen.
  6. wow, jollyroger, I had no idea you were that young! I'm only 20, so yay for the young'uns! :hello:

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