Hey guys! Anyone from the YouTube stoner community here on GC? I've been getting really into these guys called CCC420, really entertaining vids! Of course can't forget about Hashbean420, PokeAlottaSmot, massachiefa420, marijuanaman, etc, etc...! I even started making my own vids! If you've done the same post them here man! YEAH! WOOOH! Check it out ya'll Thanks for your time, have a nice day, and please leave feedback! I hope to see your videos here as well guys!
You'll probably want to ask a moderator to move this to the videos section (although I do think they let some stay in general, now and then ). To get you going, here are a few of my own. These were actually made for the Cannabis World Summit, but they're also youtube vids. Anyhow, here ya go! A few medical grade oil tutorials, a hash machine demo, a topical tutorial, and over 300+ hours of time-lapsed plant growth footage, condensed into just a few minutes (super fast seedlings germinating, buds forming and developing etc.... there's a little sign shout-out to Grass City, during some of the footage ). And of course a bunch of miscellaneous bong hits! I've also still been sending out hemp wick packs to folks now and then just for stopping by the vids, and saying hello. BadKat's CannaPharm : The Cannabis World Summit Edition... BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 1: Decarboxylation" by BadKittySmiles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEa9a1riXl8 BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 2: Flowering & Revegetated Clones" by BadKittySmiles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMKeEwMSgb4 BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 3: Hash Machine Demo" by BadKittySmiles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shrUhcPLqb0 BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 4: Medical Grade Oil" by BadKittySmiles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v6wKwQO6Ko BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 5: Powerful Topical Bone Bars" by BadKittySmiles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spHr1m5ZQA0 BadKittySmiles World Summit Preview.. Medical Grade Canna Oil, Hash, Edibles, Cloning and more! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rffzSeSfeuM BadKittySmiles - GrassCity - Cannabis World Summit - Comment to WIN FREE SIGNED BeeLine Hemp Wick! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkbclJ5wZKk (For fun, the first promo pics they put up for my CannaPharm presentation, during the months prior to the Summit ) I've got a few more currently in the works, and the CannaPharm DVD preview footage is coming up soon as well, so I may drop back by to share if the thread is still here or it hasn't been closed as a duplicate topic.
Wow! I'm really impressed, very professional Subscribed Do you run a dispensary? That looks like a metric fuckton of medication, and quality at that. Oh and sorry if this is the wrong category! I usually just post in general because I get replies from all kinds of people instead of one specific type of person.. plus if you think about it everything is GENERAL man
Thanx for informing because i am new here. ______________________________ http://howtomakearobot.org/
Hey guys! Reviving the thread here.. I just came out out with a new dabbing video, only this time- HUGE DABS!~ Check it out | Thanks!