You're Ignorant, I'm Ignorant, Everybody Is Ignorant. Disagree? Convince me otherwise. Don't think you're ignorant? Explain.
[quote name='"Purp Skurp"']I'm smarter than everybody on this forum. FACT.[/quote] Haha xD It's funny because people actually think like that, lmao
How can I be ignorant when I'm right about everything? kidding aside... everyone is ignorant at times. It's human nature
PunchingZebra is ignorant of what the word irrelevant means look at ur sig bro haha non-irrelevant means that it DOES relate to the topic.....i think u mean irrelevant
There is a Russian proverb that translates roughly to "Live a century, learn a century, and you'll still die a fool." Im sure other cultures have their own versions of this but this is the one my grandma uses all the time.
I used to think I was ignorant about some aspects..... But now it feels like i'm me>world. But really man..... I think we all know we're ignorant in aspects....I know i'm not ignorant with people though.... at least I try not to be. hah Don't mind me, i'm kind've baked
No no.... god gave me common sense i can't speak for the rest of my generation though (93 and well everything after that just got fucked pretty hard)