You're a fucking human being

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by PeacefulWarrior, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - (No Music/Auto-Tune) You're a Fucking Human Being - Joe Rogan[/ame]

    Not sure if you guys have seen this before, but it's a Joe Rogan rant where he touches on pretty much every topic such as religion, interaction, diet, the world. Hits the nail on the head imo.
  2. This is coming from someone who has hated Joe for fuckin ever... especially on the UFC video games lol :p "HES GOIN FOR THE KIMORA" "SHUT UP JOE ROEGAN GAHHHH!"

    I got over my hate for him and gained a new respect for him watching that video... thanks for putting it up. Kind of motivating
  3. Yeah man you should look up some of his other rants. Joe Rogan is the fuckin man.
  4. Joe rogan is a very smart man and down to earth he is working on a book right now
  5. Yea man, ive watched him fight although for some reason I cant find the video i really liked anymore and ive listened to many of his rants... Dude is spot on and Carlos Mencia is a punk B$&#*
  6. You're a towel.
  7. NO YOUR A TOWEL! now go away lemme walk on sunshine!:smoke:
  8. thats pretty awesome. Joe Rogan is a fucking genius and we all need to take his advise. the world would be a way better place if we listened to him

  9. I would have to agree. He does so well at translating the essence of everything into simple, easy to understand terms. He's just brilliant. Keen to read his book when it comes out.
  10. ya but if you follow him you have to remember " hes a fucking human being" as he says. follow your own life? live it how you feel so YOU can be happy
  11. dont mean to hijack your thread but heres another good rogan rant

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan - Spinning Our Wheels[/ame]
  12. sometimes i feel like he's a complete douche and sometimes i feel like he's
  13. #13 Liqweed, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    Joe Rogan is the fucking shit.:smoke:
    heres another good one, I know you all will enjoy

    [ame=""]YouTube - Joe Rogan's Theory on Life and People[/ame]
  14. i really like that one and when i first heard it i had a mini revelation. it's kind of a freaky concept but it makes entire sense. the earth is a dead orginism and we are here to eat it up. *runs and hides from scarey apocalyptic thoughts*
  15. Hell yeah. Joe Rogan has got it all. I consider him an intellectual.
  16. [​IMG]
  17. #17 One Truth, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    @ op vid : I've always wanted to hear quagmire used in a sentence, so unexpected

    and I used to think he was the biggest douche too, when fear factor was on

    you're all towels, mainly tha professor
  18. Haha yeah man, I remember watching fear factor thinking he's the biggest douche ever.
    He did a comedy routine about fear factor, I almost pissed myself laughing.
    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan comedy routine about Fear Factor[/ame]
  19. I agree with that until he said that our purpose is to fuck shit up. I believe we choose what we do with the planet, before civilization came to the Americas people were living in harmony with the Earth. Native Americans would put the planet above themselves because it was sacred to them, it gave them everything. If we lived by the philosophy of the indigenous people of this country and so many before them, we would still be drinking fresh water out of streams and living in harmony with the Earth.

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