Your zombie plan

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by AbydeBySolace, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Well everyone knows one day a mutated rabies virus will infect
    a single person on our planet.

    From that person the virus will spread to the rest of the human population.
    For those of you who don't know what rabies does,it pretty much destroys
    your brain and you are a left a violent,hungry and bearly alive mess.

    What I have just explained is the real life zombie apocalypse,and it's real.

    I have already stockpiled weapons and ammo and I have trained in their
    use extensively.

    My plan A is to locate a Wal-mart preferably as far away from the city
    as possible.

    You see Wal-mart has everything you would need to survive.

    They have non-perishable food,clothes,medicine,weapons,ammo,generators

    So I would assemble a group of my friends and we would blockade
    ourselves in the Walmart.We would mostly hang out on the roof
    because in case of a breech the zombies have only one way up.

    And we could easily keep shooting them off the ladder.After the main
    waves of zombies have passed and the majority have started
    dying off.We would finally leave the Wal-mart and begin travel.

    We would remain mobile while avoiding large groups of zombies.While
    terminating stray aways and smaller groups.

    We will do this until all the zombies have died from their rabies
    infection and establish a new government and society.


    What's your plan?:smoke:
  2. Smoke
    Give up
    Join the invasion
  3. nuke everything

  4. The point is to SURVIVE the zombie apocalypse.
  5. not in my plan. and i could survive if i wanted. but i wouldnt.

  6. How could you not want to survive it,the world will literally be yours
    after it's all said and done:hello:
  7. come on, dude.
  8. Form a militia and take over various stores; the Price Chopper for Food, Sam's for guns and ammo. I will then change my name to "Lord Humungus" and trade supplies to survivors in exchange for their women.

    This is my plan.

  9. Sounds good :smoke:

    Personally I would just snipe other men and take their women:D
  10. Sounds like a pretty solid Wal-mart plan. Think I may adopt your idea. I'll see you then buddy :cool:
  11. Kill it with fire
  12. guys the walmarts are gonna be hotbeds of violent quarreling over supplies. youd better avoid them....
  13. 1. wait a week for everyone to be dumb and become a zombie
    2. slowly go around to each house in the neighborhood for food and shit
    3. slowly go around town and gather supplies to make an awesome hide out
    4. grow weed and many other fruits and vegetables at the hide out
    5. collect hot ladies who survived the infestation and start makin some love

    i'm just tryin to make love over here
  14. Jump in my rugged truck henry (with my guns and swords), go to homedepot and pick up boards n shit then hold out at costco. Plan would be to create a tree house of sorts with the high rise shit and place strategic traps to help us hold out for the next 2000 years in costco. I shall then ascend to my rightful place as king of costco and i shall watch over all my people as we repopulate the costco and in turn....THE WORLD

    then...we smoke.
    just because little johnny apple seed thought ahead and kept a bag of shitty corn so we could throw away that shitty bud and we plant until we can smoke huge cuban cigars full! and we shall drink only the coldest beer and smoke the finest of herbs, and costco kingdom knew good once again after the invading zombie raids of yesteryear!


  15. Yes I took this into account,hence finding one that's in a small town outside the city.

    Not just that but I would obviously accept any survivors into my fort.
    And there would be enough Walmarts for everyone because...

    They are EVERYWHERE,there is a TON of them,and there wouldn't be
    enough people left to fight over them.

    The infection would be too swift,the virus would be a mutated form
    of rabies that became airborne.
  16. alrite well whatever, lets get back to me.

    IF i cant nuke everything... i flood the earth. like moses and joseph(or whatever). and of course that plan would also include some sort of water craft. with cool weapons. and no animals. just me, traveling around the flooded earth in my little combat submarine, shooting sharks and shit.
  17. Actually I'd probably just become a Zombie because I don't like confrontation...
  18. Ok seriously, here's my rough plan.

    First is preparation. This is being done. Guns, ammo, food, water, and certain chemicals to be used for many purposes is obvious. Once the first reports starts coming in, my group will begin armoring our cars and consolidating supplies.

    Once we are mobile we will retreat to a farm in rural Texas. Hopefully we will find some abandoned if we do not already have one. We will look for one located on a hill with good visibility. When we have made base we will construct our defense systems.

    Our defense systems will include security cameras, motion detectors, a sniper tower, and a large 3 stage gate. If we do get over run somehow, we will have hidden flame throwers at each stage to prevent progression

    We will also construct a bunker and tunnel system. We will grow our own food and fuel here. Biofuel bitch.

    Remember the chemicals I mentioned before? We will also make our own ammo and explosives if need be.

    We will occasionally send out raiding parties or just to shoot zombies for fun while playing black sabbath.

    If a farm is not possible, any large building that can be fortified is acceptable. We will look for already fortified buildings with a bunker if possible.
  19. Step 1: Swallow cyanide capsule.
    Why prolong the inevitable?
    It's a very simple and effective plan. ;)

    I just really don't feel like making a wall of text, I'm HELLA detailed and creative.

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