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Your worst weed-related fuck up.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by slipkittie, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. (DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying weed makes you do stupid things like alcohol)

    We've all fucked up and done something stupid with weed before. The biggest mistake I ever made was:

    I had a chest infection, so my lungs were sore as fuck to begin with. I thought I'd use weed medicinally. I used a makeshift bong (plastic bottle), and forgot to put water in. It tasted like a fucking shoe, and it burned the living fuck out of my already sore lungs. Not to mention inhaling all that burnt plastic. Absolute agony the rest of the day and I could still feel it for the next 2 days.

    Anyone have any stupid stories they'd like to share? :smoke:
  2. I always burn myself, or light my hair on fire

    Lots of stupid little things like that, I get hurt a lot. Like not watching where I'm walking and breaking my toe by kicking the curb really hard.
  3. I've never spilled bong water, broke a bong, blew out a bowl. I just say really stupid shit and act funny when I'm with people. But that's usually because theirs no such thing as halfway baked for me, when I smoke it's usually nothing or 2 grams taking bong rips for an hour
  4. laughed into the bong, the piece went fuckin flying, i drank bong water, bong water all over me, all at the same time haha. i was so fuckin high i was like man whatever
  5. I was smoking out of my bathroom window with a little click pipe. I accidently burnt off half of my eyebrow. Fun times
  6. one time i lost a bag of reggie wayne. most of time i wouldnt care but that was the last bag of a quad which really sucked:mad:
  7. i was smoking out of a gravity bong and there was a window across from where im sitting. now as i take the hit and put my head back up i see my grandpa looking through the window.

    this isnt the stupid part, i panicked and ran to the door still holding the smoke in and said "hey grandpa you heading out to the mosque?" with smoke blowing out of my mouth while saying all this....

    fml :eek:
  8. Decided to go off-roading while high. Ended up eating a tree. Poor truck..
  9. We have? I honestly can't think of a single thing, other than being forgetful, but nothing big.
  10. Whats with the disclaimer?

    Ive never done stupid shit drunk, but many stupid things high
  11. I've never done stupid shit high, but many stupid things drunk. lol
    Just one of the reason I stopped drinking.
  12. A few minor mishaps while someone has been at the wheel. But thankfully nothign serious.

    Learned that driving while high, you do take a risk. Both of my buddies and me have had little accidents like driving off the road into a snow bank because they spilled pop on themselvs while high. Yadda yadda yadda.
  13. I dropped my brand new bubbler that i just smoked out of for the first time because i was so high. At least i got to smoke out of it i suppose.

  14. 2 alcohol poisonings, broken relationships, waking up on train tracks in europe and then later that week in a graveyard is what did it for me :devious: fuck alcohol
  15. lol me and my bud were at wrestling practice and blazed before hand and we were walking outside and hes like "man I hate wearing this cup" and I'm like "dude you could just take the drawstring out of your shorts and tie it around your cup then wear it like a necklace until we can put it in your bag later" he just looked at me and said now austin why the fuck would I wanna do that and busted out laughing.
    It was funny.
  16. i was blazing outside and ran into my room and tried to jump on my bed . . . unfortunately, i missed and dived straight onto the floor.
  17. I recently dated a girl whom suffered from Schizoaffective bi-polar disorder.

    We both used to smoke weed alot, and under normal circumstances, it was always pleasant with no harsh side effects.

    We had one day ended up getting into an argument over something, which wasn't a big deal. But it escalated horribly.

    When we finally became calm again, she smoked a bowl to help her calm down.

    It ended up only fueling her paranoia and nervousness, causing the fight to re-surge and become violent.

    Do deal with the argument, she started burning herself infront of me. which resulted in a second degree burn.

    While I was fighting her for the lighter, I ended up having to take her down really hard (im 190 pounds, shes 100 pounds)

    Her fears started become extremely over exagerated and she thought I was trying to rape her.

    she started to bite me, and I now have a scar on my right hand from the bite marks.

    I had to go to a personal friend who was a docter to get me medication for the bite wound, because by law, when a person has a human bite wound, a police report needs to be filed. and I didnt want to do that to her.

    that wasn't the end of our relationship, but we are no longer together. Weed ended up helping her commit suicide in her dorm a 3 weeks after we broke up. But she was revived fortunately. she left me for her dealer.

    All i have left to remember by is my bite scar.

    I pray every night shes still alive.
  18. And the award for the most depressing weed related story is..... ^
  19. #19 devilzlettuce, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    So I was realy high I smoked about 1.5 g. Of GDP and just got a new xbox 360 and I had to transfer all stuff from my old one to the new one so I plug in the data transfer cable and nothing popped up on screen to transfer data so I went to the harddrive screen and was trying to figure out how to transfer the data and I accidently selected restore harddrive to factory settings and it erased my entire fukin hardrive luckily I was able to recover my gamertag so not all was lost
  20. yeah dude that was sad as fuck, sorry man must be rough

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