your worst bad trip

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by James_Pot, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. Hey folks!

    We all have that terrible experience, right?

    I'll describe mine in a few words. I took some extra puffs and time slows down, i'm getting depressed and angry, really want to stop it but i CAN't, sucks. And it lasted like the whole night in my head but in fact it was for about 2 hours. I don't even how to describe those feelings. Do you have sth like this? Tell me guys, pls
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  2. [​IMG]
    that was 'Spice' not cannabis unless you vote republican
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  3. Okay I'll tell you since you asked. In the early to mid 1990s I was trying to encapsulate bud and finally got it working but I shouldn't have taken as many capsules for that first dose. After a couple of mediocre attempts I wasn't expecting much which was a big mistake. Yeah, time slowed way down, 30 minutes felt like 3 hours but some of that could have been because I wanted the misery to hurry up and end. My experiences with overdosing is it lasts way longer than 2 hours but I could be misunderstanding you there.

    The misery from my worst overdose started feeling manageable about six hours in but it wasn't over then, that's when I started thinking I might live after all and a little later I began to want to live. I went thru the anxiety where I couldn't tell if I was breathing so I watched a clock and took a breath every 5 seconds (manual breathing) and then starting taking extra breaths because 5 seconds felt like a long time. The walls were undulating, the rock fireplace was doing a slow hula dance, and the curtains were swaying in the breeze coming in from the closed windows. It would have been nice if I hadn't felt so bad. I first knew I was in for trouble when the roasted bud I ate started coming on in 15 minutes instead of the 2 hours+ like previous attempts which may have contributed to the anxiety. I thought I was going to be the first person to die from a pot overdose and considered calling 911 but decided I'd rather die than go thru that embarrassment and with that decision, to just ride it out, the anxiety lessened.
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  4. I've never had any "bad trip" in my life. I think I should be more thankful for that than I am lol.
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  5. That's the spirit :passing-joint:
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  6. then you're lucky :hello:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. One time my friends put some primo in the blunt and I didn’t like it. It got intense but I recognized what was happening so I just sat there and waited for the buzz to go away.

    being young, learnt to control your mind a little better. Next time, ur experience won’t be as bad. One exercise I would do is, controlling my dreams. So while I am dreaming, I stare the dream where i want to

    I Hope that makes sense and have fun with it

    sometimes when I smoked to
    Much I would get dizzy and nauseous

    i learned when to much is approaching

    u may only need one or two puffs if ur smoking high grade

    low grade. U will need 5-10
  8. I had a fungal fruit trip a while ago that was more intense than anything i have had thus far. I ended up habing visions of being in an opperating table where i had tubes coming out of me everywhere. That looked like claymation, very unreal. Lots of blood red coloring. I looked around and i ended up peering up into the eyes of this large predator\ crab- alien. He took his big long crab legs and started poking my forehead. I have never been so humbled by fear. I looked to be in a giant factory. The ceiling had no end and the crab man was breaking the air around itself by moving. Like he was pulling through layers of reality. It finally chilled out when he seemed to poke the right button. I was immediatly brought back into my body and just stared at the ceiling for a little while as i slowly processed wtf happened to me................. I still dont know what the hell to think about it. I have had contact with entities before but this was very personal and up close and reality breaking for me.
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  9. sit for a bit and consciously connect deep into the earths core. realize the Earths love ... ground yourself there for a while and your good .who knows , the being you met may be down there and you'd meet it in love instead of fear . some kind of love bubble , big Fat bubbles ! Bless
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  10. I was tripping so hard and unnexpectedly i had no room anything but fear, afterwards i realized if this thing actually wanted to do me harm it probably easily could have. I think it was just answering my call. In the future i will try to be more open minded. I definitely judged that book by its cover.
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  11. when astral traveling, soul body travels need to protect yourself with your intent before hand ... allow pure light to guide you and stay protected in that light always in all things . the thing with darkness, it does not challenge the light but just goes away immediately
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  12. Any particular advice on protecting yourself against the spooky shit? It would be nice to communicate with something that's not trying to break my brain lol.
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  13. ask your higher power to protect you ... your angels, your guides, your spiritual essence . ask to be protect in white light all the time and make that a force in your Intent .. intent is everything and provides desire for our experience ... setting up intent makes for the way..... if your only intent is to be love then that is all you will experience ... if fear is your intent then that is what you get ( mostly as unknown misguided desire- intent leading to fear ) ... just being aware of that is a great start .. most people have zero notion as to how powerful they are and we are the Creators
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  14. This happened back when I was a teenager in the late 1970s. A friend and I got a joint from a "friend" of ours and we went to a unharvested corn field to smoke it. The neighborhood was a new subdivision just outside city limits in the county but not far out enough to be called the country. It was still in development so half of the subdivision wasn't developed. I noticed an oily residue on the paper and didn't think anything of it. We fired it up and smoked half and saved the rest for later. We walked a few blocks back to her house to get our bikes. As we were walking back down her driveway she said something funny and I laughed and to this day, 44 years later, I can't remember what it was. Her brother pulled up on his bike. That's when it hit me. He came to a stop but he was leaving strimmers (?) behind him. Like special effects in movies. Now the reason why I don't do hard drugs is because of the stories I've heard about people having bad trips. I panicked big time!! I was freaking out. I saw my friend grabbed her brother's arm and yell, "Go get Mike!!" He was the one that sold us the joint. I ran home. Something was terribly wrong. I was on the high school track team and I was a sprinter not a long distance runner. I knew I couldn't run more than a block but three blocks later and still running at top speed my lungs should have been burning and my legs should have been tired out. But I felt nothing, I could keep going. But I forced myself to stop and walk the rest of the way. My parents never go out on a Saturday night or any night but my dad's boss bugged him until he gave in so they weren't home when this happened. I went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat because that brings me down and still does to this day. I was hiding in my room eating when Mike, my friend, and her brother came in to check up on me. Mike was laughing at me and told me that he had put Angel Dust on the joint as a joke. I could have killed him. I asked my friend if she was having the same affects as me and she said yes. She was handling it better than me. I went to bed expecting to be sober in the morning. The next morning I was still buzzing. I never bought anything from him again. This is when weed was like 5% THC at the most. I don't know what became of him. The last I heard of him was right after I got married a few years later and the same friend told me that he was living with a girl and he beats her up on a regular basis. He's probably dead or in prison now. He was an asshole so good riddens.
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  15. Look up Mc Escher's artwork titles "Dream" It really messes me up how close my experience was to so many others but this image unsettles me.
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  16. My 1 An Only Bad Weed Trip Was Once In 2015 Or So Ion Remember Exactly When But My Dad Made A Ton Of Weed Brownies An I Ate Too Many Of Them An After That Well First I Was Dizzy (Lol) But Then My Brain Started Feelin Weird An Like It Was Concious Of It Self An Wanted To Get Outta My Head. Thats The Only Way I Can Describe It It Was A Really Un Settling Feeling An I Never Wanna Go Through That Again. Ion If It BC Who Soo Much Weed React To My Damaged Brain Or What But It Got So I Had To Lay Down An Sleep A While An When I Woke Up I Was Ok Again. My Dad An My Husband Didn't Realize What I Was Goin Through An Were Makin Jokes But Once I Lecture Them An Say I Need a Sleep Then They Stopped.

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  17. One time I landed at an apartment with a couple of people there that I hardly knew at all. This place had a large, mostly empty living room. It was kind of dark in there and somewhat cold. It was not a welcoming vibe.

    I took a few hits from a bong that was shared by the two other people who were there. Slowly I got more and more stoned until I found it impossible to move or get up. It took me over an hour of marshalling my inner forces just to get up to pee. I couldn't get the nerve to say a single word to anybody. I was completely overcome with paralyzing paranoia. The folks who were there came and went and some of the time I was by myself, sitting there doing nothing. I sat on that couch all day and the high just stayed there at full blast, never fading at all.

    I finally got it together to get up and go home. I went straight to bed and stayed there for 2 more full days. Finally it faded away and was gone. I wonder if the pot in that bong was laced with something because the high didn't do that natural fade you usually experience.

    Anyways, it was not fun. At all.
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  18. One time somebody dosed me with LSD. This is a totally wrong thing to do to someone. The person that did this was a bartender lady I only kind of knew. I only had $3 on me so I ordered a long island ice tea to get maximum bang for my meager funds. I just jokingly said to her, "Put everything in it". I meant liquor obviously. Apparently, she took me literally. In her brain, she thought putting LSD in the drink was ok. Well, it ain't. And, I had no knowledge or warning that she did this.

    About an hour later, while at another bar, I started to feel anxious. I only had a bicycle for transportation and so I went back to the first bar to pick it up. When I entered the bar, there was a rush of LSD mind stuff - that everything happening at once sense of disorientation. I was shocked by this and so quickly I got on the bike and was peddling fast, really fast trying to get home. I had to take this busy street and with the traffic and traffic noise and lights and people and everything moving in all directions, it was very scary. Big Panic was taking a hard grip on my brain and I was propelled along on the bike through heavy waves of sheer adrenaline. All this time, I was convinced that I was absolutely losing my mind. All I knew was that "I GOT TO GET HOME!!"

    I finally got to where I could turn off that busy street. When I got to a quiet spot, I was out of breath. I got off the bike and since there wasn't all that activity, hubbub and flashing lights, it was a lot calmer. Without all those wild distractions and activity, suddenly I realized what was happening. "This is LSD!" "I know this." I KNOW what this is." Thankfully, I began to feel less panicked. Things generally now were a lot calmer thanks to the quiet surroundings.

    I got back on the bike and now was peddling slowly and gradually calming my mind. LSD will amplify everything. Colors, sounds, feelings and especially panic. If you get afraid, it just feeds on itself and grows like a monster in your head. That is one of the main things to avoid when you're on acid. So once I got calm and realized that I wasn't going mad, it was much better. A whole heck of a lot better.

    I got home and the door opened. There were two of my roommates who were also bandmates and most importantly, friends. They said to me with pretty wild, animated expressions on their faces, "Guess what?!" "We're tripping!" I could only smile and say, "So am I. Somebody dosed me for chrissakes, can you believe that?" So what started out as a terrible disaster, now had quickly changed into something very coincidental and pretty darn nice, considering. We actually got our instruments and jammed on some laid back jazzy stuff. I actually still have a tape of what we played and this was in 1971! The only problem was that when I listened to it later, I was playing in C and the flute and bass player were in g minor. It actually worked though! Ah the wonders of psychedelics.
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  19. From weed? Just massive anxiety and paranoia.

    From 'others'? Had too much of this stuff.. we were watching fantasia 2000 and there was a point where Penn and Teller were talking about something and Teller cuts off Penns hair, when his hair came forward, he turned into a werewolf. Also the music was too much, especially at the whales flying in the clouds/space. I curled up in a ball and saw death and decay for a bit with my eyes closed (native American vibes).
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  20. Dee, I bet it was laced with something. Even today's pot doesn't do that to you.
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