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Your weed smell vs other people weed smell

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ~Blu, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I was at the skatepark today and these guys were blazing it up and it smelled different than what im used to weed smelling like. I consider myself a pretty seasoned toker so i'm no stranger to bud/smoke smell. I thought about it and remember this happening before. Was it the secondhand smoke? It was not VERY different but definately not the budsmell im used to.

    Has anyone else noticed this?
  2. Maybe it was a flavored Blunt?
  3. When I'm sitting and smoking outside it smell different than say I go to a venue and someone is toking. it's a much sweeter smell if you smell it and you're not smoking. To me atleast. that's prolly not much help is it?
  4. its because when you smoke you smell things differently
  5. The only thing I can think of, other then the guys having either shittier bud, or danker bud than you are used to, is what someone above said about not having the best smell sense after smoking.
  6. Definately was not a blunt. They were smoking it out of a standard 3" glass pipe
  7. Yes! It smells reaaaaally different. But also really good. Very sweet smell.
  8. I've noticed this as well. Before I used to smoke, I would come home reeking like weed but it didn't smell bad. It was kinda sweet. Btw I was around a lot of weed (I would go to a lot of local gigs). But now that I smoke I can barely smell it on me, and it just smells totally different.

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