First...Sorry if this is the wrong spot. Ok so im reading some news and stuff while i enjoy my morning dab and some coffee. Came across drug testing for welfare. I agree with this but i also dont. This also go in the line of pre-employment drug testing. ok here is the chart i found. to me seems pretty accurate So how unfair is this bullshit for us Blades. So in reality they will higher a fucked up Meth head who probably laces Meth with Angle dust and he will get the job over you. just cause you failed with pot. Man that shit is fucked up...That shit puts my head in a knot. its sad and sickening but its so damn true. I sat on this for a minute and thought about how my job went from highering people like any other good company would by checking applicants. But ever since my job started highering from Temp Agencies we been getting fucked up people. Some would come drunk. I have this guy who nods out cause he takes xanax and seroquel at work recreationaly. its just a full out mess at my work right now. I cant even handle it so im changing departments lol. Dude having some one fucked up on xanax and seroquel trying to help you straight out a box with 50 pound motors doesnt not go well at all. i had to be like dude i know man i know...just go tag before you get busted.
I agree with pre employment drug testing when the job is high risk like working in the oil patch, I just dont think marijuana should be looked at in the same light as harder narcotics. It should be like alcohol where as long as you are not intoxicated on the jobsite it's all good, and they have mouth swabs that can be used for such a purpose. I've seen way too many strung out people do stupid shit on the job that put everyone at risk. Pre employment drug testing doesnt mean shit where I live in Northern alberta anyways, you just get someone to piss for you and strap it to your leg, if you get into an incident and get fired boohoo walk down the street and get a job with one of the other hundred oil companies hiring journeyman.