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Your Top Tip For Living With A Partner (Or Anyone, For That Matter)

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by AR Toasty, May 23, 2013.

  1. So, it's official. After humming and hawing for weeks and weeks, the girlfriend and I are making the leap and shackin' up together at the end of the month. She and one of her housemates, who just so happens to be dating one of my housemates, are both moving in with us. It's going to be just the four of us, and it's going to be mad.
    Now, discounting my mother, I've only ever lived with one woman - and we were merely friends with a healthy dose of sexual tension. I've never lived with a girlfriend. So I come to you, oh wise ones. I want to know your number one tip for living with a significant other. Chores? Sex? Personal space? How have you made it work?
    Step one is to urinate on all of my things to mark my territory, right? Where do we go from there?

  2. #2 retreat, May 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2013
    C0=habitation requires contracts.
    You need what belongs to whom and who gets what, prior to getting into any room-mate situation.  Expecially like, who gets the pets.   Some even write out contracts for chores. 
    You TWO need to write your contracts with each other   AND
        Then the FOUR of you, need to sit and write out a contract for household responsibilities.  And most importantly, HOW, to punish or fine, the person that fails thier obligations.
    Except for that;  Make sure the 4 of you, get along.   :metal:    ret
  3. Be considerate.
    That's about it.....
  4. That could get ugly. Don't eat other people's food. Do your dishes and pick up after yourself. And I wouldn't recommend any pets. Seen a lot of friendships ruined by deciding to be roommates.
  5. Why don't you and your girl just get an apartment? Roommates are a pain the ass imo, coming up short on rent or not having it at all, eating your food, drinking your beer, not doing the dishes. That and if things don't work out between you and her you'll have a much easier time moving out of an apartment vs breaking a contract with roommates.
  6. When sharing a space with other people, the most important thing is...
    It's not feasible to live in this city with just one other person, and though I could probably afford it at a stretch, I've got financial goals to meet. I'm fixin' to maintain my lifestyle, start up a business, put a ring on this pretty little thing's finger... and this shit doesn't buy itself.
    I'm well aware that it could get hairy fast. But I've lived with this dude for well over a year already, and my girl has lived with the other chick for closer to three. We've got a dynamic and I'm confident it'll all work out.
    Seems like a lot of people have been burned by roommates in the past. What went wrong? Or were they just shitty people who didn't like to pay the bills?
  8. #8 WaxPayne, May 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2013
    Hey AR congrats!!! :yay:
    My only top tip is : Both parties learn to compromise, share, and be honest with each other. If you can do that then you guys will have an awesome time :) If you guys split the rent always make sure you have the cash for it a week before and have paid all utility bills too.

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