Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by hibodharma, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. "You are as happy as you choose to be" my dad

    In a nutshell, your thoughts manifest into the physical world. I tried practicing this today, and it works wonders. An example would be:

    You need to buy something, so you grab it off the shelf and walk to the cashier. There are a number of possible scenarios, and what you choose to do (or not to do) decide the ultimate outcome
    -You could give the cashier the item, not talk much, and stare awkwardly at anywhere but her while you wait for the receipt to come, grab it, and walk away
    -You could give her a big smile and friendly 'how you doin' and make the process less awkward, maybe ask about her holiday plans and have a nice exchange

    There is a reason our senses are bombarded all day long by the news, television, radio, e-mails, everywhere you look there seems to be something negative going on. Crime rates have been going down since the 1970's, yet the media reports more on violent crimes

    This is designed to keep your thoughts and therefore reality, in a negative state.
    Negative thoughts attract negative energy and are more likely to lead to conflict
    Positive thoughts attract positive energy and are more likely to lead to an opportunity

    If you spent the morning reading the paper about how many people were killed, what politician was caught in what scandal, etc. chances are your outlook will not be too bright.

    So be careful of what information you 'take in,' it affects your mental, emotional, and spiritual state, now, and is imprinted for longer than that one moment
  2. No generation before ours has had so much distraction and competing media. It is becoming hard to form an informed opinion, for example, because what we call news now is actively making us question whether there is any worth in their reporting. Every single last thing comes down to what is essentially a sales pitch now.

    Your opening thought is important information to remember. You mention an experience with a grocery line, I would suggest to others to remember their power to define their mood whenever they start to feel impatient while waiting in line. You can look like an ass or just feel strong negativity for selfish reasons, or you can realize that being in a line is what you should expect in a supermarket and your turn will come as it always does.

    Most importantly to all of us, in my view, is how we perceive others. When someone angers you in a simple way (such as by calling you a name) it is best to ask yourself why you allow that person all the power to affect your mood and accept none of the power for yourself. Then perhaps you realize it doesn't make a difference what words random people use or even if their intent is to harm you in some way, because words do not hold any actual power. We assign that power as we are committing them to memory.

  3. What is the attraction of those news and political show? They interrupt, insult and talk over each other and scoff at someone's beliefs. When you look at who owns the news companies, the picture becomes much clearer.

    Alternative news thrives on the internet but not on other mediums- a friend started up an underground radio station, within a few weeks, he was raided, and had all his equipment confiscated. He paid for all that gear through a minimum wage job, the amount of laws and rules is ridiculous.
  4. Thats what Get A Life means
  5. I couldn't tell you. Every single one of those shows could be called "Person-I-Disagree-With is Literally Hitler."

  6. Yes, a lot of people complain because they are unhappy with how things turned out for them. I would guess suicidal people go through with it because they think they are not getting what they 'deserve' out of life

    like that Eagles song
    "So often times it happens,
    we live our lives in chains,
    and we never even know we had the key"
  7. #7 Gonjaninjitsu, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2010
    "Do you know when to walk away? Do you know when not to take less than you deserve, if you do, then you're an honorable man."

    And I assume you mean go through with suicide correct? We don't get what we deserve from life when we don't use the tools to cultivate the crops we've sown or refuse to acknowledge the fruits of what we reap and deem them less worthy of ourselves. Some people can't handle the thought that they are not as special as once perceived which is why they usually off themselves. I used to say good riddance for I could not imagine the cowardice of a person who decided to take their own life but now its all but too clear. We create our own heavens and hell and sometimes some people have no idea how to get out of their own personal hells which end up consuming then whole which sometimes leads to suicide or some other form of death
  8. I like that part you said about making your own happiness. I'm gonna keep that one in the back of my head for a while now. Thanks. :D
  9. Sure you can train and focus your thought pattern but everything within us, physically and mentally comes from the outside....we learn from our parents, friends, schooling, ect.... Light gives us the proper living enviorment, food nourishes our body, water hydrates us...I don't believe people are born with a set personality, I believe everyone is shaped by their surroundings.

  10. Is this what you really believe? That we have no choice of what we accept or decline into our lives? Are you friendly with any pedophiles? Do you like money? Do you kinda see my point now?
  11. Thoughts are amongst the nature of the mind, and there is inherently silence between each thought. This is called rigpa, to concentrate on that silence until it becomes greater and ever-lasting. How is one supposed to think vividly if not freely?

    My greatest alterations of reality did not come from thoughts. They came from the absence of thoughts.
  12. #12 LiveFreely, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2010

    I think you misunderstood what I meant. Im not saying that we have no choice, I'm saying that who we are today has been shaped by whats been around us our whole lives. Basically what I am saying is that we make our choices based off our experiences.

    I an not friendly to pedophiles, and I like money, and this is because I have been conditioned this way from society, ect. Babies are not born knowning what a pedophile is and what value green paper holds, they are taught so.
  13. #13 pizzdog, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2010

    I wish i could have been told this when i was young. Everything we choose to believe and do or not do directly impacts us. If you think about it its almost like we are being put into a state of fear and negativity to be controlled in some way. we are being more brainwashed so we won't ever burst out into rebellion for fear of being judged and hated. We are being controlled in some sort of sub conscious level. Our own mind is being worked against itself
  14. Thats a large part of buddhism but to an extreme scale. When you do something good your mind is left with a good imprint for future happiness and vice versa with something that you do that you believe is bad. So basically by giving money away to charity your doing way more for yourself then buying some expensive unneeded gift for yourself

  15. It's like if you had some extra money and were thinking of buying a motorcycle, or going on a trip somewhere. Choose the trip, it will create more memories and experiences, plus after the trip is over, it's done. the fascination or novelty of the motorcycle will fade much more quickly
  16. #16 hibodharma, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2010
    More people are waking up to this fact every day as time accelerates. It's not an easy thing to realize- everything we have been taught has had an agenda behind it, and most of it is lies, or lies mixed in with half truths

    it's too comfortable to live in a matrix, pretending everything is normal, people don't want to wake up..
    but when you do do, there is no going back to sleep (ignorance is bliss)

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