Your smoking career ...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Cheating Death, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. started age 16.

    got in alot of trouble but somehow im still the same little kid.

    since 16 my life has been all around pot.

    from skating to driving my friends all around san diego's riches places, which i enjoy.

    Owned:multiple pipes, i think multiple bongs/broken, homemade bongs, one bubbler which i think is overrated/broken

    rolled blunts/joints but never used a grinder.

    at age 18 i think im a lucky kid.

    good times tho...
  2. My dad introduced me to bud at 14
    I could roll a perfect jay at 15
    Got into alot of shit as a kid because of pot , including multiple busts , from my high schools especially.
  3. My career was, and continues to be, illustrious

    I was inducted into the Hall of Fame in '07
  4. Started at age 18, now I'm almost 21.

    My life isn't all around pot, but I sure do smoke a shitload. If I don't have any, my friends do and will gladly blaze me up.

    Haven't really gotten into any trouble, though when I first started I had a few close calls. I also did once fail a drug test for a job, but got another one a week later! :D

    I've owned lots of pipes, a glass blunt, and a bubbler. Never owned a bong, but I'd like to.

    I can't roll the best or prettiest joints/blunts, but they are smokable and they will get you high.

    I'm currently smoking a lot of resin and getting very baked. Saves money!
  5. Started at 14.

    8 years down the line have learned many many beautiful things.

    Imagine I'll grow when I'm old n settled.

  6. hell ya it does.

    would u say its worth buying a glass blunt?
  7. Yeah glass blunts are the shit. You pretty much have to clean them after every session but there's nothing like packing one full of weed and smoking it all in one sitting.:smoking:
  8. 25 years old, started at 13

    My parents are strict Chassidic Jews, but never had a problem with me smoking. Both of them did when they were younger, and they know it's harmless, so as long as I stayed a straight A student I was allowed to smoke in my bedroom

    Been a daily smoker (with random t-breaks in there) since 17

    Never been caught with weed. There's no reason to EVER be caught with weed if you're not acting like an idiot

    Been a grower since 18. Honestly one of the most enjoyable hobbies I have

    My life has never been about weed. I get my shit done, and then I smoke. I've never been a lazy pothead. Weed inspires me to search out the beautiful things in life...and sitting in front of a TV getting fat from the munchies ain't beautiful by any means
  9. Started when I was 16 because of curiosity been smoking for the last 3 years .
  10. i ben fuckin around with the green since i was 12

  11. sounds good.
    how much bud do u need because i might buy one.
  12. I'd have to agree with that one. I know people who have been smoking and growing for almost 40 years who haven't had any cases with the law. Just gotta use common sense!
  13. Been smoking a little longer then Ive been a member of this site (since 2002). Im 23 now and still enjoy toking just as much as I did then. Ive never been caught with pot, not by school or job or law enforcement anyways. I once got caught by my dad/step mom as a teenager, actually once or twice, but they didnt really care anyways and we laugh about it now.

    If your life is "all about pot", at any age, then you may need to re think your priorities. The only exception to this is if your involved with a legal business and making a living off of it. Im a very open minded person, and rarely pass judgement...however I have a 17 year old cousin who started smoking at 14 and ever since has been kicked out of multiple schools, arrested, kicked out of his home several times, totally dropped out of school and literally flips burgers now and just failed the GED test for the second time. He and his friends have become obsessed with the perception of rappers and wear straight bill hats, sagging jeans, listening to chop n screw only and he is just no longer the kid I knew growing up. If the past three years of his life are a projection of the next three, then hes going down in flames...
  14. started when I was fourteen.
    spent a lot of weekends in high school smoking a lot of pot.
    summer before senior year started smoking on the daily.
    have been ever since, mind you i've only been out of high school for a year and a half-ish.
    owned a few pipes, now have a lovely little bong and plan to invest in a lot more.
    the best thing pots done for me though, is open my mind. to a lot of new people and things, for which i'm very grateful.

  15. me too.
    it changed the way i think and look at life.

    in a good way tho...
  16. :laughing: :laughing:

    Basically ignored it/didn't have any interest in it until Freshman year in college...pretty much picked it up around November '08 and continuing the tradition until now. I've recruited a couple guys and gals and pretty happy with where I'm at now, solid stream of dank connects (I love what medical laws do for the common buyer :smoking:).

    Never gotten busted, gotten insanely close 3 or 4 times but I was drunk each time so that inhibited our decision making skills and we weren't as careful as we should have been I guess...
  17. i didn't try it until i was pretty much done with high school. started jan. 1st 2009. been smoking regularly since then. i love it!
  18. Started at 14, was arrested twice, I've gone though like 5-6 pipes, none of my bongs have broken, and are still going strong. I still like to make the occasional homemade piece, no aluminum though. Not a day goes by where I don't enjoy marijuana at least once. My dad introduced me to it at about age 11, but I wasn't interested, he just didn't want to be in the closet about it anymore.
  19. Started at 16.
    Only smoked occasionally/at parties.
    At 17 became a total stoner.
    Haven't stopped smoking since and have never once been caught.
    And I'm not knocking on wood cuz I make my own luck. People generally get caught for doing stupid things/smoking in stupid places.

    Also, weed got me better grades. I smoked heavily last semester and ended up with my best semester ever at college.
  20. Started at 15, now im 21.
    What can i say? Loved it from the beginning.
    Never really got in trouble for it. Parents found out I smoked at 17 and accepted it.
    I've now come to create a life in which smoking fits in perfectly.
    I'm a lifer.

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