your prized possession.

Discussion in 'General' started by k3nn3th98243, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. whatsup fellow blades?:wave:

    just wanna see whatsup and i had an idea while i was eating breakfast about how much i love my shoes. lmao.
    i got some badass Ms. Pacmans SB dunks.


    so fellow blades, what are some of your prized possessions, something you love.:) does'nt gotta be about weed, or anything, just anythingg.
  2. Hell yeah bought them at Journey's for $90, they sell for like $50 now but it's whatever.
  3. #6 fruscianterza, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    my cat
    my car
    my two bowls
  4. #7 Iceni Toker, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    My bike.
    And my Leopard Gecko.
  5. [​IMG]

    My baby ^_^
  6. Money wise? My's the most expensive item I have.

    Priceless items?

    My flag and a sand dollar my mother gave me.

    Everything else can be replaced...those 2 items have meaning I can't recreate.
  7. my w0w account
  8. my penis really, everything else can be replaced.

  9. lol, nicee.
    good choice my friend. x)
  10. my car..

    my speakers

    my microphone

    and on a more modest note.. my pen and rhymebook :)
  11. My job cause most people are layed off!
  12. a very close friend of mines id, he passed away at a very young age. i keep it with me always
  13. My LSD anniversary shirt. Given to me by my brother who moved away. He's the one who has introduced me to everything. Supplied my first toke and supplied for my first acid trip.

    My bubbler. Actually kinda weird but also given to me by the same brother, my first bubbler and a very nice one at that.

    Not a possession but, The Grateful Dead. I absolutely love the dead. Can't imagine what i'd do without their music.
  14. qft!

    also my car, drum set, iPod, laptop and my piece<3
    i guess also a pic of my mom and our family and one of my aunt and her family
  15. I have a scrapbook i've been adding to since grade 9. If I lost it, I'd be pretty upset

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