Your perceptions and thoughts are not of the present

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TheJourney, May 24, 2011.

  1. In regards to perception, let's start out with a more obvious, extreme example. The Sun. When you look up at the sky, and see the Sun, you are not seeing the Sun as it presently is. It requires time for the light which creates our perception of the Sun to reach us, and thus we are seeing the Sun as it was at the time of that light's origination, in the past. We can all agree on this, but let's take it further. Look at the wall in your room. There is distance between you and the wall. Therefore, it takes time for the light which causes your perception of it to reach you. Of course, not as much time as the Sun's light, but still time. This is the case with all perception. Your perceptions are merely your interpretation of waves which originated in the past, and you observing them as if they are the reality of the present moment. Yet in real truth, it is merely your mind's present interpretation of waves that originated in the past.

    The same can be said of your thoughts. They are just your mind's interpretation of past events, or of future possibilities. You can never TRULY think about the present moment. You can only LIVE the present moment. If you decide to try to think about "the present moment," the very instant your thought begins to formulate, it is already in the past. Therefore, your thought which you consider to be of the present moment, is merely the present representation of a thought of the past. Or you can hypothesize about the future. So, as I said, thoughts are inherently of the past or the future. You can only LIVE the present moment, BE the present moment.

    Let's think of this in terms of Karma, or Law of Attraction, as well as much spiritual talk. What manifests in your reality? That which you attract into your reality through the outflow of your consciousness. If you are still attaching to thoughts and things, then what you will experience will be the results of those thoughts or things, which are of the past. Thus, those who are bound by Karma through their attachment, are receiving the results of Karma, or the past. Free yourself of attachment, unbind yourself of Karma, and then you can live in the PRESENT. The more you can do this, what manifests in your reality? Your PRESENT mindset, or state of consciousness. This is why you experience more synchronicity, or seem to have more control over your reality. It is not that you are gaining anything new, but rather that your attachments previously made it more difficult for you to notice it, as it was not of the present. Now you are living in the PRESENT moment, and you can notice these things.
  2. Brilliant - I love the way you think.
  3. Understood well.
  4. Glad ya guys liked it :D
  5. interesting
    i thought you were full of piss and vinegar but i guess i was wrong
  6. I love your posts d00d! We think a lot alike. You're just better at putting everything into words! Which I suck at....
  7. Thanks man! :D

    I get that a lot. "You're putting into words exactly what I'm thinking. I just can't word it like you can." The nice thing is that the words are not important.

    I've gotten to a point where I can use all sorts of different words, and all different terminologies, to present this idea, because before I "understood" I thought about stuff ENDLESSLY. I considered all different points of view. I nearly converted to Orthodox Judaism. I was a hardcore atheist, who thought all religious people were stupid. I was a Buddhist. And I also considered many other things, as well as a lot of my own personal thoughts, which I then learned were actually the thoughts the Philosophers had been having sense the beginning of philosophy, when I took Philosophy last semester. This helped me learn even more new terms for things, and the technical "Philosophy" words.

    I was given a very strong pre-disposition for finding truth. I was never fully satisfied with my understanding, until I realized that it was all just different ways of describing the same thing. The emptiness, silence, or no-truth from which comes fullness, all words, and all truths. When you can see the "no thing" from which comes EVERY thing, you can finally be at ease.
  8. :laughing: someone gave this thread 1 star too. Proly the same guy that's been doing it to all of my, and the like thinkers, threads.

    They be hatin :cool:
  9. How would one be able to release themselves from these thoughts? Through meditation or some other means?
  10. #10 TheJourney, May 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2011
    Well, meditation is typically the means, or a means, through which people do this.

    Meditation is definitely very helpful. I don't really do formal meditation much anymore, although I'm trying to start again, so I'm not a believer in it being the end all, though it definitely has a lot of benefits, and can be very helpful. Meditation, in its truest sense, can and should be your LIFE. I am, in a way, always meditating, just not in the formal position.

    I guess because of my pre-disposition to thinking and logic, I tend to look at things in terms of understanding, however it is clear that it is not "just" an understanding, and it is in fact something that you live. For me, I can't help but feel it is related to understanding, although that may be because of my dispositions.

    Think of your thoughts as sort of...commentary on life. Commentary can never truly capture the essence of that which it is trying to describe; it merely does the best it can to try to describe it. This is what your thoughts are. Your best attempt to describe reality. You must not confuse your thoughts, and your ideas, for reality. Not to mention, the reason you were able to come up with your thoughts and ideas in the first place, are because of the thoughts you have had in the past which have allowed you to get to this point. So, you can never look at your own thoughts as being absolutely right, or anothers as absolutely wrong, for both of you are simply doing your best to describe reality; and, even if you do feel like you're doing a better job of describing it, the only reason you were able to do it is because of your experiences, and they obviously haven't had those experiences so you can't hold it against them.

    Beyond thoughts of "truth," this certainly applies to your day to day life. NOTHING has the power to stress you out, or cause you to feel any sort of emotion. Ultimately, the things in your life are neutral, and YOU give them meaning. It is only through assumptions and attachments that you could possibly see something as "good" and another as "bad." You must have COMPLETE acceptence. TOTALLY accept not only the world and your circumstances are, but yourself as well. So, even though they don't have the power to make you feel any way, if they DO cause you to feel bad, that's ok. You must accept it. You can't help if you feel bad. It's just the way you feel. Don't ATTACH to that badness. Just accept it. "I'm feeling bad right now. I understand that even though I am feeling bad, this is only the way I am interpreting it, and "bad" has no ultimate meaning." Oftentimes when I start to get stressed about things, I'll simply laugh. Most stress is based on so many assumptions and speculation. My commentary is going wild about things that it's not even sure about. It's kind of funny.

  11. Yourself.

  12. Holy shit @ your avatar
  13. i read this in the other thread earlier ....
    before i went out into the woods to walk and to breath....
    and i found my thoughts wondering to this idea....
    and this is where it took me?

    there is a space between
    between existence and perception
    we are always just a step behind
    no matter how fast we move.....
    we may never ever catch up

    in my mind there is much that i have done

    that is now long gone in a place it cannot be retrieved from

    yet in my heart those things live on

    for tho the thought may be running late -so to speak
    the feeling lingers....

    the feeling holds onto you ....

    it stays much longer then the thought.....
    and is often the inspiration of the thought

    your feelings saturate you

    they bring you to the top of the world! even thru the heavens.....
    they drag you down to the bottom of the pit......

  14. Wow...that's beautiful man. You dont know how much insight you just gave me, cause lately ive been stressing like no other, just alot of shit going backwards in life. My negative thoughts have held me back from life numerous times, im at the point where i cant even think straight. Every time i have a "good" thought its always replaced by a what seems like an endless cycle of "bad" or negative thoughts. I'm just worried about alot of things is all...
  15. worry is the best way to ensure that what you want to avoid.....ends up happening;):smoke:

    just let go.....
  16. Seems like a lot of people are going through stressful times right now. Remember, worry is inherently a thought which is separate from reality. Worry is not possible in the present moment. And if you do worry, understand that it is just your thinking mind which is worrying, about something that is not even ultimately true, and fails to encapsulate reality. Life is entertaining. Sure, it can be a roller coaster of ups and downs sometimes, but realizing that is, in a way, what gives you the power to rise above it. Just an endless cycle of ups and downs. So silly to get so worked up over the "downs." Observe that which your thinking mind perceives to be negative, and do not label it. If you feel a way that you perceive to be bad, observe that and do not judge it. This will give you the power to overcome it all.

    And I'm really glad I could help! :D

  17. definitely words of wisdom lol, but i dont know why i worry so much but for some reason i just do. Its alot better than a couple years ago, im starting to cool down and look at life at more of a relaxed view, i know in the end everything will be smooth.

    To tell the truth ive been dreaming of starting a family, raising my seed, and being an AWESOME father and loving husband. Basically making sure my kids and overall family dont turn out into the situation i was in, basically neglected by most of my family all my life. These are the thoughts that bring happiness into me, like whenever i think of that particular though i start to feel really good, like naturally high lol.

    Its weird that im thinking these thoughts cause im only 18 lol, most kids my age could give less a shit about that

  18. Thanks man, i appreciate all the helpful words :hello:

  19. if i wish anyone had told me anything at your age would be dont fucking rush! enjoy yourself...learn who the fuck you are before you try and attach yourself to someone elts in that way......
    dont just settle.... cus it is a quick way to what you want....
    everything worth having is worth working for ...and waiting for only if necessary of coarse...
    if you know a family is the way you want to go...
    consider what kind of life you intend to have with that family.....
    then understand that most of it will not be like the way you imagine it ...
    (this in no way means not like you expect in a negative way at all....simply that nothing ever goes according to plan....)
    life has a way of sending things your way...

    challenges....opportunities.....trials....they are all the same...what you call them is all in how you look at you perceive them.....

    but each of these has a way of completely fucking up any plans you may have thought you had made.....all depending on how you deal with/handle each of these challenges....

    and by fucking up your plans.....this does not have to be negative ither! it will only ever be what you make of it....nothing more- nothing less.....

    all you have is now!!!!
    stop worrying and go fucking live!!!!!!!!
  20. Haha thanks Dingus! And I understand that life has a way of throwing trials at you, believe me i know lol. But for some reason starting a family has always been like in my top 10 things to do. I wanna raise a child and watch him/her/them grow into successful people, I want to be apart of their lives. Go to all their sports games, school meetings/concerts/plays, the whole shabang lol. I guess i want to give a better life to my seed than what i received. But your right about living life to the fullest, i agree with that! I have my whole life ahead of me i shouldnt be worrying about it all the time!

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