Your nationalities

Discussion in 'General' started by TokingToker, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. We are all just alive right?..................... and the infinite regress continues.
  2. big up da west staines massiv'!
  3. #123 hushlittlelady, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2008
    Dutch & Norwegian
  4. We're all just particles of matter which are all just strings of energy which is just a concept we create in our minds which don't really exist.

    We are nothing and everything at once.

    I just came.

  5. Alive or just breathing? :p
  6. I'm Danish and Norwegian!

    Crazy dutch with your windmills and whatnot...
  7. :D hahahahaa
  8. Well my last name is O'Leary, haha.
    I'm extremely Irish, mixed with some Scottish and Italian.
  9. Norwegian and Italian

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