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your most favorite thing to do when high !!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokeybones21, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. i know there prolly has been millions of threads like this but just wonderin whats the one thing no matter how high u are u love to do or the one thing that no matter where u are u have to do this while high because it is just that fun or enjoyable mine would have to be funny movies and of course more smoking
  2. :D:smoking:being high makes everything fun
  3. Jerking it, getting head, eating, browsing stumbleupon
  4. Watching crazy shit on the net whilst listening to some tunes.

    Or just laying back in a sort of warmly lit room starting outside at space haha :smoke:

    Oh, and drawing is great high.

  5. Well every friday I blaze with my friends at Ice Zone, this ice skating place. It's become the spot for the local middle and high schools.
    Anyways, it's a really good spot to be high at. We leave and go around the corner to smoke, but others light up upstairs while everyone is chilling and dancing. They turn all the lights off and it's a really groovy (did I just say that?) experience. Anyway, they sell slim jims and blue powerades there and those have become my favorite. :hello:

    And don't forget putting on some KiD CuDi or some Wiz Khalifa!
  6. anything while high is great
    i enjoy jammin with friends, or new people
    i hope this jam isgonna laaassttt
  7. Dubstep and xbox <3
  8. jakenbakes got the idea man..

    motherfuckin dubstep
    im listenngto spacemonkeyz vs gorillaz now

    win album
  9. MUSIC. every since i got my laptop a few months ago ive just really enjoyed music more, i had a computer before but it was the family computer so now i have my own playlist i just hit 1,000 songs yesterday

    and i throw on my sublime playlist and im good, i have 55 sublime songs what are your guys favorites by them?

    ive really fallen in love with music lately. even though i cant play an instrument [wish i could]
  10. anything from 40 ounces is greeaatt
    selftitled has some epic ones of course
    rip bradley N.
  11. Playing with my dog. Dogs are beings of pure love and fun. I have a little 9 lbs jack russel/boston terrier mix, she's crazy and so much fun
  12. Going on Omegle and messing around with people :)
  13. Although i hate rap sober. I love watching freestyle rap battles on youtube. Shits intense!!

    Oh and drawing too. You get lost in your art and its amazing.
  14. Receiving head, sex in shower, video games, movies, dubstep, good rap, eating. Getting head is probably best.
  15. I love to be with my best friend while high, we watch the longest movies we can find, and if it contains starts, space or anything with the universe it gets a plus.

    The game "The Polynomial" definitely also something i recommend.

    and when alone, looking at my red and green lave lamps with some slow psychedelic music.
  16. Listening to dubstep (SKRILLEX)
    Listening to Kid Cudi
    While playing Videos


    And smiling. Just sitting and smiling. ITS WHAT IM DOING NOW :smoke:
  17. kids and your damn masturbatin penises'....fuck.
  18. another thing thats always fun to do high

    is being healthy!!
    take a hearty healthy poo while your stoned
    and your body will thank you in return

    dont forget to let those dirty gasses out to
    dont wanna damage that intestinal system!
  19. draw, paint, write, go for a walk/jog, dance, work out, socialize, watch old disney movies (so nostalgic), watch futurama, take other substances, listen to the black keys, play reach, EAAAAAT. :smoking:

    my all time favorite would be eating lucky charms. mmmmmm.
  20. theres been a couple people who said this already, but definitely receiving a blowjob.

    Being high, just sitting/standing there, getting your dicked suck is one of the best feelings in the world.

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